Spirited Away 2 - Hidden Love - Chapter Fifteen - Zeniba's Suprise

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pirited Away 2

(A/N: Hello there guys! Sorry for not updating, I've has a lot of homework and to be honest, my mind is going black for this next chapter, so hopefully it'll be short and sweet! Please R&R!)

Chapter Fifteen

"We're back!" Chihiro exclaimed as she entered the boiler room, with Haku closely behind. When they both looked around, they saw that no one was in and it was silent with no sign of a living object within. Chihiro stepped backwards into Haku and quickly found his hand and clung onto it.

"Chihiro, you ok?" Haku whispered and Chihiro nodded.

"I'm fine, just wondering where Lin and Kamajii are…" Before Haku was able to express his own curiosity, a sudden shout was made.

"SURPRISE!" Lin cried and the boiler room was instantly illuminated and out came, Lin, Kamajii and Zeniba with big grins on their faces.

"Aww, look at the two of them, so cute!" Lin cried and Haku and Chihiro instantly let go of each other's hand and blushed.

"Come on now, leave the poor two alone and let's have our tea," Zeniba explained and Chihiro's eyes lit up as she saw the old witch carefully setting out the table.

"Granny!" Chihiro cried and sprinted over to Zeniba and gave her huge hug.

"Oh my, Chihiro, are you alright my dear?" Zeniba asked and returned the hug.

"Now Chihiro, why don't you help me set out the table eh?" Zeniba suggested and Chihiro nodded as she grabbed some plates.

"Come on let's eat!" Chihiro cried and Lin, Kamajii and Zeniba walked over to the table and sat down.

"Come on Chihiro, sit next to me," Lin suggested.

"But… Haku where is he?" Chihiro asked and blushed as she saw Lin and Kamajii exchange sly glances.

"Don't mind Haku dear, he's just busy outside I suspect, come on, you can have bring Haku's dinner outside for him later," Zeniba explained.

"Yeah sure," Chihiro whispered and sat down to the table.

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Haku fiddled with the metal once again and sighed as he attempted to position the metal in through the maze of metal wires he had created and sighed again. He looked at the necklace he had made so far and the 3D heart with many wires around it, hiding Haku's dragon scale within. Haku sighed for third time and gently placed the necklace next to him and he brought his knees up to his chin and closed his eyes.

"Haku, you alright?" Chihiro asked as she walked up the steps and sat in front of Haku. Haku's eyes snapped wide open and gasped, as he saw Chihiro smiling at him.

"Erm, yeah I'm fine, have you finished?" Haku asked and Chihiro sat next to him and produced four rice balls in front of him and smiled.

"You remember this?" Chihiro asked and handed one to Haku as he nodded.

"Eat this, we didn't have any leftovers because Lin and Kamajii sort of filled me up and now I feel like a pig," Chihiro explained and they both chuckled as Haku munched his rice ball.

"Haku, what didn't you have tea with us?" Chihiro asked as she slowly stood up. Haku scoffed the last rice ball and stood up and stepped backwards and Chihiro walked forwards.

"Because, I was…" Haku explained and bent down and quickly scooped up the necklace.

"Fine, anyway, let's go back inside," Chihiro explained and started to walk back.


A huge gust of wind blew Chihiro off her feet and Haku saw the brown hair follow Chihiro to her fall down towards the passing train.

"Haku!" Chihiro screamed and Haku leapt towards Chihiro.

"Chihiro, hold on to my back!" Haku ordered Chihiro and she nodded as she realized was Haku was about to do, but Chihiro was meters away from the train as it can rushing past.



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The anger boiled within as he realized that it was his own doing, his own hands which may have lead his love to die…

"Well done there," the old voice spoke.

"Thank you Master," the young dragon lord answered.

"Be ready for your next assignment, Ryu…"

The grey eyes shone in the moonlight as the anger of red covered it.

"I'm sorry…"


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(A/N: Hello guys! Sorry for such a long update and a short chapter and a cliffhanger! :p Thought it would be fun! ^^ Anyway, thank you all for reviews, faves and follows! Until then, please R&R and chow!)


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