Crash Beginning

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It's early November, I'm taking a jog around LA. I know what you're thinking. Harry, that is very dangerous, especially with the fans that could spot me, but I don't care. We just finished our Where We Are tour and are all taking some much needed time off, for a minute at least, we have a load of interviews after our album comes out in a couple weeks.

I turn the corner of the park and hit right into someone small. I fall backward, the person landing on top of me. I grunt as I hit the ground, my hands going to the person's hips. Opening my eyes, I see the most stunning blue eyes I've ever seen. A girl is looking up at me with worry and apology.

"I'm so sorry," she gushes, scrambling to get off me.

"It's quite all right," I say, taking the hand she offers. She gasps as she heaves me up cutely.

"You're British," she states, dropping my hand that is tingling from her touch.

"Yes I am," I chuckle, showing off my dimples.

"Oh my gosh," she coos/whines. "You have dimples. That is so cute."

"I'm glad you think my dimples are cute," I tease and her face flushes.

"Well I think you're cute too but I'm not about to say that out loud," she rambles and I chuckle at her forwardness. She gasps and slaps her hand over her mouth, her eyes wide.

"Well thank you," I smirk at her. "I think you're cute as well. You're eyes are beautiful."

Way to go Harry!

She blushes and looks at the ground with a smile. "Thank you."

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell.

"I'm Harry," I hold out my hand for her to shake. "Harry Styles."

Her eyes flash something like recognition, but it's gone in seconds, replaced with something else I can't decipher. She sticks her hand in mine and gives it a firm shake. "Y/F/N Y/L/N."

"That's a beautiful name," I comment, pulling my hand out of hers. She blushes again and glances away quickly before looking back. "Suits you well."

"You're quite cheeky, aren't you Harry," she smiles with her lips closed. I laugh and look around the area, there are a few people with cameras, so at least this will be everywhere.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask. I'm not really one to flaunt my "fame" or band but I'm positive she knows who I am.

"Yeah," she answers quietly, blushing and looking away. I smirk and grab her chin, turning her face to look at me.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I ask quietly, looking in her eyes.

"What?" She asks softly, gazing up at me innocently.

"Trying to hide how beautiful you are," I mumble, gazing over her features. She blushes again but keeps my gaze.

"You are very smooth Harry Styles," she says quietly.

"Go out with me," I say suddenly. I'm not sure what urged me to be so forward and so confident. I feel a connection with her, maybe it's because she hasn't swarmed me asking for a picture or autograph.

Her expression shows surprise, her eyes wide as she looks between mine. "What?"

"Go on a date with me tonight," I say a bit louder, my voice rough and husky.

"Harry," she sighs, pulling her chin from my grasp. "We hardly know each other."

"Then this will give us the perfect opportunity to do that," I rush out, enjoying that I have to work for this. She looks uncertain, glancing from me to the small number of papz and fans. "Why aren't you letting this happen? Is it because of them?"

"No Harry," she shakes her head, grabbing my hands in hers. "Why would I care about them? I've just been hurt a lot and I'm not used to someone being so forward or someone as beautiful as you having an interest in me. I like you, you're an amazing singer, your band is fabulous, you've got a big heart and a big bubbly personality. I don't want to ruin-"

"Just give me a chance," I interrupt. "One date, that's all I'm asking."

"Alright Harry," she looks up at me with such innocence

"Give me your phone," I hold out my hand. Y/N rolls her eyes but pulls her phone out of a small zipper pocket in the back waistband of her pants. I take it and click the button, a picture of the boys and I on stage shows up and I look at her through my lashes, a smirk on my lips. She is looking everywhere but me, I chuckle and look back, unlocking her phone and seeing yet another picture of me. "Am I your favorite?"

"What?" she asks in a high voice, sort of like the minion from Despicable Me. I chuckle and type my number in her messages, sending one to myself and saving my number. I hand her back her phone and lean in, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I'll text you," I say, pulling back.

"Nowhere fancy Harry," she says, walking past me and turning around so she is still looking at me.

"The fanciest place in LA," I smirk. "Got it."

"Harry!" she shouts and I rush forward, holding my hand over her mouth.

"Do you want to be mobbed?" I ask with wide eyes and she chuckles, shaking her head. I take off my hand from her mouth and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug. "I'll call you."

"Casual Harry," she says as we pull away and both back up slowly.

"Alright," I chuckle and she turns, taking off running. Smiling to myself, I continue my run, heading home.


"Nice place," she comments, looking around my house.

"Thanks," I give her a cheesy smile. "I have a very exciting night planned for us."

"Enlighten me, Mr. Styles," she says cheekily, flopping on the couch. The way she says Mr. Styles, my pants get a bit tighter.

"I've prepared, an exquisite meal, of ham and cheese sandwiches," I begin.

"That's my favorite kind, how did you know?" she asks with a bright smile.

"I'm just that good," I say seriously and she giggles, making my heart race. It's the cutest sound ever, I want to hear it every day of my life. "And then we will be watching a movie."

"What kind of movie?" she asks with a small smirk.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see," I say smugly. She hums a laugh and shakes her head at me. I grab her hand and pull her to the kitchen, where I set the sandwiches on the table. We eat and talk about anything we could think of. She's ... amazing. I can't believe how lucky I am.

After we eat, we go to the living room and I put in the movie, grabbing a blanket and covering us up. While it goes through the previews, Y/N scoots closer, snuggling up into my side.

"Bambi?" she looks up at me with a sweet smile, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Yeah," I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Cute," she turns her attention back to the movie. I look down at her with a smile, loving this moment. I'm going to be with this girl ... for the rest of my life.


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