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"Are we really this old?" I turn to Harry as we are sitting at Hayden's High School graduation.

"Yeah," he places his hand on my upper thigh. "We're in our 40's."

"You don't act like you're 40," Louis joins in. Our entire family and everyone came to watch the graduation. "You still act like you're in your twenties."

"Have you quite finished?" I retort.

"I have actually," he says as the adults giggle. I look around at all the other parents, many of the women are looking at the lads. That's usually what happens when we go out, Directioners come out of the wood work. Lots of the moms are crying.

"Is it terrible I'm not sad?" I ask to no one in particular.

"I'm not sad either mom," Ava sighs. The eight year old has really perfected her American accent.

"Still American I see," Louis teases her.

"Still annoying I see," she counters making the grown-ups gape at her.

"You're a little sass," Louis says with a smirk, obviously loving having someone to bicker with.

"Wonder who I got that from, old man," she rolls her eyes.

"Do you want to fight little girl?" He challenges.

"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them," she counters, glaring at the Doncaster man.

"Alright twirp," I lift her to her feet and pat her bum. "Go talk to your boyfriend."

"Beckett is not my boyfriend," she huffs, standing and glaring at me.

"I don't recall saying Beckett's name," I respond with a smirk. She turns bright red and stomps away. Everyone chuckles and Harry wraps his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip and pressing his lips to the side of my head.

"She's gonna be a trouble maker," Liam mutters.

"No, she's gonna be the good child, after Brooks," I shake my head. "The twins are the trouble makers."

"Maybe it's your parenting style," Louis comments nonchalantly.

"I will fight you," I respond in the same tone, earning a smirk from the man.

Before anything else can happen, the graduation starts. After an hour of boring speeches, they finally start walking. Hayden is the only one we know that is graduating, but we cheer for his friends. When Hayden gets up there, the roar of applause is deafening, I'm sure people were super irritated with us but we didn't care. My baby is graduating and Harry is taking pictures next to me.

Hayden does a cute little dance after getting his diploma, and walks off the stage cutely. He is his fathers son.

"My boy," Harry cheers, a bright smile on his face.

"But he's better because he actually graduated," Gemma leans over and says as we all sit down.

"Gemma," Anne scolds. "Leave your brother alone."

Harry sticks his tongue out at Gemma then jumps on my lap as she tries to hit him. I grunt under his weight but wrap my arms around him and nuzzle my face into his shoulder.

"She can't protect you forever," Gemma glares and her husband Ben laughs and wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close.

I look up at Harry and all the noise goes away. It's just me and him. He looks down at me and gives me a dimpled smile. I can see in his eyes that he just wants to curl up on my lap and have a cuddle. He's like an overgrown kitten and the older he gets, the more he wants to be the "girl" in the relationship. He wants to be cuddled and loved and held, it's cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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