Make Up

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After our fight, I fell on the couch in defeat. I feel just awful. I was having so much fun, living my dream again, that I didn't even think about my family. I love them so much, I'm disgusted with myself. I've let them down so much, this is the worst I've ever felt. After a minute of sulking, I stand and slip my shoes off at the door, then tip toe upstairs.

"He doesn't want us?" Ava says and my heart breaks even more.

"No no baby he'll always want you, he loves you very very much, he's just lost sight of what's important. That's why we need to help him. It's our job to remind him that family is the most important out of everything," Y/N voice sounds through the door, making me feel even worse. "When you're older you might think it's your work or your school, but it's always family. You're brothers and sisters and your future husband or wife should always come first because they're the ones that stick with you till the end. They're the ones that are there when you need them most and when you don't need them at all."

"And the mummies and daddies?" Ava asks.

"Especially the mommies and daddies, but you don't have to worry about that because your father and I will always be there for you. When you get in fights, or when you get your heart broken, or when something good happens, we'll always be there. And when you're much much older, much older, I'm not ready to be a grandma," five giggles sound and it's the most beautiful sound in the world. I can't remember when I heard something so delightful. "You'll have your own kids and you'll be there for them."

There is silence for a moment, then Ava speaks up. "Mummy, maybe is you sing the Tangled song daddy won't be lost."

"Oh this one?" Y/N asks in a silly voice then sings the mother song. The children start giggling and Ava tells her that's the wrong one. Y/N acts aloof and I can picture the cute expression on her face. She then sings the Flower song softly, making me sigh at the sound of her voice.

I lean against the wall next to the door, running my hand down my face. I've missed her so much, her touch, her scent, her voice, her comfort, just her entire being. I messed up big time, this is going to be hard to fix.

"Mum will you tell a story?" Hayden asks and I smile. I always loved her stories. She's such an amazing imagination, she tells them so wonderfully. My favorite thing about them is that she always tells fantasies of her and I meeting. They start with 'Once Upon A Time' and end with 'Happily Ever After'.

"Once upon a time," there it is. "There was a girl who grew up with rules. She wasn't allowed outside after 6, she wasn't allowed to eat sugar, she wasn't allowed to watch Telly or play video games, she was only to focus on school."

"How sad," Parker mumbles and I pout my lip, thinking of the twins.

"She followed her parents' wishes, not knowing any different. Then one day, she was taking her daily walk in the park and she stumbled upon a boy. Just from the look of him, she knew he was trouble, but she was intrigued. He had unruly curly brown hair and deep green eyes."

"That sounds like daddy," Ava mumbles, making me smile.

"He was really charming," Y/N's voice is slowly drifting off, making me miss her even more. "He knew exactly what to say and the girl melted in his hands. She loved him with her whole heart and despite her parents' wishes, they got married and lived happily ever after. The end."

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