Face Time

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"Mum! Darcy hit me!"

"No I didn't mum! She hit me!"

"Ava stop touching my stuff!"

"Brooks get out of my room!"

I heave out a sigh and take a sip of my tea. Harry has been gone on a reunion One Direction tour for a few weeks in America and hasn't had time yet to come home. All the lads went, even Zayn, for old times' sake. It has been really hard but, I'm used to it and I love him so it's all worth it. I close my eyes and rub my temples as another scream fills the air. My phone rings in my pocket and I hurriedly silence it before the monsters hear the sound. Sliding the answer button I see my beautiful husband in a face time call.

"Hello my love," he says loudly with a smile and I hold the phone to my chest to stop the sound.

"Hi babe," I whisper. "I need you to be quiet for just a minute. Don't say anything, hit the mute button."

He gives me a quizzical look but nods and then I hear nothing from his side. Smiling down at him, I begin my quiet creep up to my room. A scream sounds down the hall and I duck behind the couch as one of the 8-year-old twins runs by.

"Mum! Ava won't leave us alone!"

I cover my mouth with my hand and look at Harry with wide eyes. He gives me a 'what the fuck' look and unmutes the screen, "Y/N what is happening?"

"Harry I love you with all my heart," I whisper loudly, peeking up over the couch to see if the coast is clear. When it is, I re-continue the sneak to my bedroom. "But if you don't shut up right now, I won't be able to talk to you for like weeks."

He snorts a laugh and hurriedly pushes the mute button. I glance at the screen to see Niall and Louis in the room as well.

"If my parents hear you then they won't let me see you anymore," I whisper again and freeze when I hear footsteps.

"Mum! Parker took my iPod!"

"Brooks! Stop touching my stuff!"

"Darcy stay out of my room!"

"Y/N," Harry says again and I shush him, running to the room like a spy. I grab my earphones and plug them in.

"Okay baby you can talk now I have my earphones on so the monsters can't hear you," I say in a whisper.

"How long have they been yelling like that?" he asks.

"Like all year," I answer, freezing when I hear shouting and running. "I need to hide."

"Um hide in our shower," Harry suggests and I rush to the en-suit bathroom.

"The door is glass," I say and rush to the linen closet just off our room. "Okay I'm in the closet."

"Love you need a day off," Harry says quietly and I sigh.

"I actually have a plan for that, are you ready?" I playfully flirt back, missing our back and forth.

"Absolutely," he says with a smile.

"So I'm going to give them a load of sugar and right before they crash, overdose them with Benadryl or spike their tea with codeine. Then I leave them here and hop on a plane to America and I find you and we have like five minutes so-"

"Gross!" Niall shouts from a distance.

"We cuddle ya bloody wanker," I say with a scoff. "Because I really just want to feel your arms around me. One sweet kiss and I'm back on a plane and home before the brats wake up."

"As foolproof and genius as that plan is," Harry laughs. "I've got a better one."

"Shh," I silence him when little feet come running past. "Continue."

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