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Sighing, I flip through the mail. There usually isn't anything in here, but much to my surprise, I see an envelope addressed to me. It's from my home town, with my maiden name on it.

Furrowing my brow, I open it slowly and discover it's an invitation to my high school class reunion.

"Mummy!" A giggling three year old runs into my legs and wraps her tiny arms around one of them. It's my favorite feeling in the world, having my baby cling to me.

"Hi monkey," I coo, ignoring the note for the time being. I pat her hair and she giggles more, nuzzling her face in my leg to hide her blush. "What're ya doin?"

I notice that she is wearing nothing but her underpants that have princesses on them. "Where's your clothes?"

"Don't like clothes," she scrunches her nose at me. I chuckle silently, knowing this is how all my kids are, Harry and I really did a number on them. 

"As much as your father and I agree that clothes are the worst," I say, lifting the nude girl in my arms and setting her on my hip. "You at least need a shirt on to cover all your bits and pieces."

"But daddy doesn't have a shirt on," Ava pouts up at me. 

"Where is daddy?" I ask, looking around the living room. 

"Downstairs playing a game," she says. It's been one of those days, just a lazy day, no one wanting to do anything. The kids where at school and I'd have to go pick them up in a few hours. 

I walk downstairs to find Harry sitting on the couch in his boxers, playing Halo. I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch, setting Ava down next to him and kissing Harry's forehead. "Alright, you can stay in your underwear, but when the other kids come home you have to put on a shirt."

"Does daddy have to put on a shirt?" she asks, looking at me with wide eyes. 

"He'll need to put on pants, yeah," I answer.

"For why?" she asks. I smile, not even worried about this question I've had to answer it four times before. 

"Boys and girls have different parts," I answer. "Boys parts can be covered with just pants, but girls' parts have to be covered with a shirt and pants."

"What about a dress?" she asks cutely. 

"Yup a dress would work," I smile. "That's why when we go swimming, girls wear two pieces of a swimsuit and boys only wear one."

"I have a two piece," she says excitedly. 

"Yes you do," I smile, remembering her bright blue bikini with ruffles on the bottom and a purple bow on the top. The fabric has a fish scale design so she looks like a little mermaid. 

"Can I wear it?" she asks with a bright smile. 

"Why not, love," I say. "Then you don't have to wear a shirt."

"Yay!" she jumps up and rushes to the stairs. Harry chuckles as I take her seat, sitting close to my love. 

"We've corrupted our children," I say and he laughs.

"It not our fault clothes are better on the floor," he replies cheekily. I slap his chest, making him laugh, but nuzzle into his side. 

"I meant the fact that we both hate wearing clothes, and not in a sexual way, tosser," I elbow him as he snickers. 

"You said it," he mumbles. 

"It's not my fault pants are the worst," I groan, laying my head on his shoulder so I can watch him play. 

"Yeah," he sighs. 

We fall into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the alone time. It doesn't last long as Ava comes running down the stairs in her bathing suit. She squeals happily and jumps on the couch next to me, climbing on my lap and snuggling into mine and Harry's warmth.


"I got something interesting in the mail today," I tell Harry as I rub lotion in to my hands. He's sitting in bed, his reading glasses low on his nose as he reads his book. 

"Hmm?" he hums, glancing at me momentarily before looking back to his book. 

"Yup," I smirk, crawling into bed and pulling the covers over me. "It was an invitation to my 15 year high school graduation reunion."

His face lights up and he looks at me with shining eyes. I giggle, knowing this would be his reaction. "We have to go!"

"Harry," I roll my eyes, shaking my head. 

"Please?" he puppy pouts, turning his body toward me. 

"Why do you wanna go?" I ask cheekily, already knowing the answer. 

"You know why," he pouts, crossing his arms over his bare chest. 

"Oh right, because you have to graduate to be invited," I tease. He growls and quickly tackles me to the mattress, pinning my wrists next to my head. His bare thighs rub against my bare hip bones, his t-shirt I'm wearing now up around my belly button, as he straddles me.

"Take that back," he threatens. 

"Don't think I will," I continue the tease.

"You better, or I'm gonna-"

"You're gonna what?" I raise an eyebrow at him. He glares at me before leaning down and pressing a hard kiss to my lips. 


"Y/N hurry!" Harry shouts from somewhere in the hotel room. He and I are in Vegas for the reunion, and Harry is more than excited. It's like he's had 18 cups of coffee, he's that hyper. "I don't want to be late!"

"I'm coming," I reply calmly, walking out of the bathroom. "Don't get your cock in a twist."

He gives me a flat look while standing and walking toward the door. I chuckle and follow him out. We take a taxi to the location of the meeting, and walk in. 

"C'mon Harry," I pull on his arm as he runs his hand through his hair. He just chuckles and follows me in. The place is more crowded then I thought it would be. When we enter, everyone turns to look at us, the girl gawking at Harry. It's always like this, I'm used to it now. 

"Let's go get a drink my love," Harry wraps his arm around my waist and guides me to the open bar. I nod and stay close to his side. He orders for us and I tuck myself farther under his arm. "Why are all these guys staring at you? I don't like this one bit"

I look around, only to find girls staring daggers at me and eye fucking Harry.

"No one is looking at me, but everyone is looking at you," I say, taking a drink of the scotch he hands me. "Besides you're the one who wanted to come, so we have to stay for at least an hour, then we can go gamble."

"You're going to cost me a fortune this weekend aren't you," he teases, grabbing my hips and turning so his back is against the wall and I'm pressed against him. 

"No, I'm amazing," I say in a little kid voice. 

"Absolutely you are," he mumbles pushing his lips against mine softly. 


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