New Baby

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"Okay Hayden," she said, tucking our 4-year-old son in bed. I just got home from work and am standing in the door way of mine and Y/N's son's room. "It's time to go to sleep."

"Mum," he asks in his tiny voice. "Why do you talk different than me and daddy?"

This comment makes me smile but I keep quiet and listen.

"Because love," she sits next to him on his bed and pulls him on her lap. "You and daddy are English, and I'm American. So daddy lived here before I met him," she places her finger on his arm. "and I lived way over here, across the ocean."

She pokes him in the belly, making him giggle.

"Am I American?" he asks.

"You are half American and half British," she explains. "Daddy and I wanted you to have a British accent, because we live in England, and British accents are cuter and that is why you talk like daddy."

"I think your accent is cute," he says trying to comfort her.

"Well thank you dear," she smiles at him.

"Mum, will you sing me a song?"

"A song?" she asks in a silly voice.

"Yeah," he starts giggling.

"Okay I'll sing a song, then you have to sing me a song, then I'll tell you a story but that is it because you need to get some sleep," she taps his nose. "Okay what should I sing?"

"Sing one of daddy's songs." I hear his tiny voice say.

"Okay," she takes a deep breath.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me," Y/N grabs Hayden's hand and intertwines their fingers. "But bare this in mind it was meant to be, and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek," she runs her fingers over his cheek and down his neck joining up the dots as she sings. "And it all makes sense to me. I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes," she pinches next to his eyes softly, where the lines form when he smiles. "When you smile, you've never loved your stomach or your thighs," she tickles his tummy and the inside of his thighs and he starts laughing hysterically. "The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I love them endlessly." she tickles his back and pokes his sides so he starts squirming and screaming. "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth," she sings louder to cover his screaming and laughing but continues to tickle him. "But if I do, It's you, Oh it's you they add up to, I'm in love with you, and all these little things"

She keeps singing the song, holding him close and rocking him. She kisses his head when she finishes.

"Your turn," she says. "Didn't daddy teach you one of his songs the other day?"

He nods and takes a deep breath just like Y/N did, then he starts to sing in his small, high pitched voice.

"You're insecure, don't know what for, ya turning heads when you walk through the door," Y/N starts to giggle and he shoots her a glare, and she bites her lip to keep silent. "Don't need make up, to cover up bein the way that you are is enough,"

He doesn't remember it all and sings about half of the song.

"Story now!" he shouts when he's done.

"Okay," she says tucking him under the covers and lying beside him. "Once upon a time there was a prince who loved to ride horses. One day he was riding his stallion, hmm I can't remember his name," she pauses waiting for Hayden to jump in.

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