Hottest Mum

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"You know why Hayden and his friends always hang out over here right?" Harry asks one night as we are lying in bed.

"Because our house is awesome ..." I roll over so I'm facing him. He laughs, making his dimples show and turns his head to me, his hair falling in his eyes. I reach up and brush it off, he gives me a small smile, making his dimples deeper.

"As true as that is," he giggles again. "It's because they think you are hot."

"What?!" I ask surprised. "No they don't."

"Yes they do!" he says going up on his elbow and turning his body to me. "And they should. You're the hottest mum out there."

"How do you know this?"

"They told me."

"They told you that they think I'm hot?" I don't believe a word he is saying.

"Well no," he lays on his back, his arms behind his head. "I walked into the living room and they were talking about how hot someone is so I asked them, 'Who's hot?' and the one kid, Mark, spoke for the group, he said, 'Mrs. Styles'."

"What did you do?"

"I just laughed and said, 'Yeah she is hot. That's why I married her'."

"Haha," I poke his cheek and he giggles. "I don't believe you."

"You don't believe that I married you because you're hot?" he asks a bit hurt, grabbing my waist and pulling me until my chest is pressed against his.

"No," I lean back and look up at him. "I don't believe they think I'm hot. Why would anyone just admit to their friend's dad that they thought his mom is hot?"

"Go down there and talk to them then," he says frustrated. "They're in the basement, sleeping over."

"I will," I glare at him, then roll away from his grasp and stand up.

"What should I wear?" I ask, looking down at his t-shirt I'm wearing and my bottoms because I don't like to sleep in pants.

"Well not that," his eyes roam my body before he gets out of bed and goes to my drawer, digging around for a bit before throwing me a pair of tight yoga pants.

"There you go," he says looking me up and down, after I slip them on, before smirking.

"I'm going to go down first because I want to see this," he pulls on a pair of sweatpants, leaving his chest bare. I follow him out of our bedroom and down the stairs to the main floor.

"Are we bad parents?" I mumble as he stops at the top of the stairs to the basement. He turns to me, his eyebrow raised in a 'what the hell just happened' look, before snorting a laugh and running his hand through his hair.

"No we're fantastic parents," he presses his lips to mine quickly and I smile into the kiss. "Besides, after 16 years of being parents, I think we've earned a bit of fun."

He smiles cheekily and I roll my eyes at him.

"Go if you're going," he chuckles and starts on his way down the stairs.

"Count to 100 before you come," he whispers at me.

"Okay," I reply sassily, making him smile.

"What are you lads up to?" I hear Harry ask them and I start to count.

"We're just watching a movie," Hayden replies. He sounds exactly like Harry did when he was younger.

"Your mum loves this movie," Harry says to the boys. "You better not let her see you watching this or she'll want to watch it with you."

"We wouldn't mind," I hear one of the boys say.

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