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"Darcy Anne!" I shout at one of the two year old twins. She giggled loudly and continued to run around the living room completely naked. I turned to my now 6-year-old son, and the other twin, "Hayden will you please dress Parker up in the blue skirt on the bed please?"

"Yes mum!" Hayden responds like the sweet boy he is.

"Darcy Anne Styles! Get your bum over her now or we won't go see daddy and your uncles." She stops running and turns to me.

"Mummy! No!" Darcy comes running to me, clinging to my leg. "I get dwessed! Go see daddy!"

"Good girl," I hold open her underwear and she steps in. I pick her up, settling her on my hip which is fairly difficult with my 7 month pregnant belly. We return to the room to find Parker dressed and sitting sweetly on her brother's lap while watching him play his PSP. I smile slightly and get Darcy dressed in a pink out fit to match Parker's.  Once everyone is dressed and shoes on, I rush them to the car and get them all buckled in.

"Are you guys excited to see daddy?" I ask the munchkins. They cheer and start chatting loudly. After a long drive in which the baby kicks on my bladder the entire time, we pull up to the studio. I unbuckle the girls and help them out while Hayden gets himself out. I hold Parker in my arms while Hayden and Darcy hold hands, we walk into the building. Hayden takes off running, leaving a toddler running after him.

"Hayden Edward get back here!" I shout after him. "Darcy Anne don't follow him!"

They ignore me and continue running. Sighing, I walk to the studio and open the door.

"Daddy!" Parker squeals and wiggles out of my arms. The baby kicks me again and I gasp at the pain, clutching my stomach.

"Sweetheart?" Harry rushes to me, placing his hand on my arm.

"I'm fine," I breathe out, standing up fully and placing my hand on my lower belly.

"Alright," he says skeptically. "Where are Hayden and Darcy?"

"They ran off," I wave him off of me, feeling very hot. "Someone will return them. I mean, they look exactly like you. I need to pee-"

I gasp as the baby kicks me in the bladder again. I grasp onto Harry's arm, my other holding my belly.


"I'm alright," I let out the breath I was holding and stand up. "He keeps kicking me in the bladder."

"Well come on I'll help you to the bathroom," he wraps his arm around my waist and leads me down the hall. After making it to the bathroom, we return to find Parker hanging on to Niall's hand while he lifts her up and down like a weight. She is giggling profusely, screeching with joy.

"Ni!" she shrieks. A knock sounds at the door and a man walks in with Darcy and Hayden.

"Hi boys," he smiles. "I was walking down the hall when I saw these cute little things running around. Those green eyes and curly hair can only mean one thing. Do these happen to be yours Styles?"

"They are yeah," Harry smiles, chuckling a bit.

"Daddy!" Hayden and Darcy shout and charge him.

"Thank you for finding them," I smile at the man.

"Not a problem Mrs. Styles," he smiles then exits the room. I turn to the two kids who are clinging to their father's leg, giving them a stern look.

"What did I tell you two?" I question them,

"I'm very sorry mummy," They both say and hug my legs.

"Yeah yeah," I mutter, patting their heads. They giggle then run to hug their uncles. I shake my head and sit down, needing to get off my feet. Harry sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Y/N," he whispers, brushing his lips along my cheek, up to my ear. "How was your day?"

"It was good," I lay my head on his shoulder, he kisses the top of my head. "The baby keeps kicking me though."

"Aww baby," he kisses my head again. "He's just ready to come out and meet his family."

Darcy starts crying and I sigh, looking over to find her laying on the ground, Parker standing over her.

"Parker Alice!" I shout and she looks at me innocently. "Why did you push your sister?"

"She be mean," Parker points at her.

"No!" Darcy counter. I sigh and rub my temples.

"Parker!" Harry calls her over and she hangs her head in defeat. I sit back and let him parent, really needing a break. Louis sits down next to me with Zayn.

"How are you Y/N?" Louis wraps his arm around my shoulders and I cuddle into his side.

"I'm just dandy," I sigh. The baby kicks again and I place my hand on my tummy.

"What?" Zayn asks, leaning forward to look at me.

"He is kicking me again," I sigh as he kicks again. "He is so restless today."

"Let me feel," Louis and Zayn's hands go to my stomach and I move them around to where the baby is kicking. They giggle when he kicks their hands and I laugh as he keeps kicking them.

"I don't think he likes you guys touching me," I tease, wincing as he kicks in the same spot for the tenth time.

"He's not the boss of us," Louis retorts and I laugh.


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