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"Alright Mrs. Styles, take care," the nurse says with a smile.

"Thank you," I answer and take our newest and smallest child from Y/N's arms. Our fifth baby is a sweet little girl we named Ava Rose Styles. She looks exactly like her mother, thank the maker. I strap Ava in her seat and into the back of the Cadillac SUV Y/N drives. Lifting Y/N from the wheelchair, I carry her bridal style to the passenger side of the car.

"Harry!" she shrieks, laughing at me.

"Yes my love," I smile down at her. She shakes her head at me, a small smile playing across her lips. I open the door but don't set her inside, instead I just stare at her. The mother of my five children. She is so amazing. I can't even ... I just. "I love you."

She looks up at me, her bright blue eyes meeting my green ones. Her hair is in a messy bun and she looks tired, but happy. "I love you."

I lean down and kiss her lips softly, then set her in the car. After softly shutting the door I walk around to the other side and get in, starting the car and driving away.

"I hope the kids are okay," she mumbles, glancing in the back to check on the baby. I reach over the center console and take her hand in mine.

"I'm sure their fine love, the boys are there," I answer sweetly and she smiles at me. "Plus Hayden is 10, he should be able to watch himself for a while."

"You're right," she sighs, and I squeeze her hand. The drive home is short and I open Y/N's door for her then help her out and grab the baby.

Upon opening the door that leads from the garage to the kitchen, all we hear is silence then a scream sounds from the basement. Y/N and I share a look then walk farther into the house. I set Ava down on the floor by the couch and follow Y/N to the basement. The screaming and shouting gets louder and we walk upon a horrific scene.

Brooks, the one we had before Ava, is running around with no clothes on - at least he is only four or else we would have problem on our hands - Liam is chasing him. The twins, now six, have ganged up on Louis and Zayn, climbing and hanging on them. Hayden is wrestling with Niall in the middle of the room and the whole place is trashed. Couch cushions threw across the room, pillows and blankets covering every inch of the floor.

"Floor's lava!" Darcy shouts in Zayn's ear and he winces. Louis starts laughing like a maniac and Liam is still chasing Brooks.

"Brooks you need to put on pants!" he calls out to the child. Brooks only shrieks with laughter and continues to evade his uncle. Y/N looks at me in horror and I snort a laugh.

"We are done," she says in a stern voice. "You are getting fixed mister, tomorrow."

I chuckle and lean down, capturing her lips with mine, "As you wish."

She laughs against my lips and slaps my chest. Tuning out the noise, I focus on Y/N; her hair, her smell, her skin, her lips. My arms encircle her waist and my hand goes to her bum, giving it a firm squeeze. She squeaks against my mouth and I smirk, pulling away.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get Ava settled in," I suggest and she nods. "I'll take care of everything in here."

"Sounds good," she nods, kissing me once more. "Thank you baby."

"Of course my lovely," I smile as she walks away. Once she is up the stairs I turn back to the disaster in front of me. Cupping my hands over my mouth I shout into the room.

"Hey!" everyone freezes and looks at me. "What is going on here?"

"Daddy!" Brooks shouts, running to me and hugging my leg. Next the twins, wrapping their arms around my waist, then Hayden, and soon my four best mates. We group hug for a moment then break.

"How is she mate?" Niall asks and I hold up a finger and turn my attention to my kids.

"Your mother is very tired, now I want this basement put together in one hour," I tell them sternly. "I'm sure your uncles would love to help you."

I smirk at the boys, they grumble but turn to the room and begin putting it together.

"Oh no you don't," I grab Brooks around the waist before he can escape and pick up his squirming naked body.

"Daddy!" he whines, trying to get away. I blow a raspberry on his tummy and he squeals. We get up to his room and I quickly get him dressed. Carrying him back into the living room on the main floor, I spot the boys and the kids seated on the couches.

"How's the baby?" Parker asks.

"She is very good," I smile at her. "Mum is putting her to bed, but when she wakes up you can all see her."

"And how is Y/N?" Liam asks and I look up at him.

"She is very well," I nod, smiling to myself. "Tired, but that's to be expected."

"Well we're glad all went well," Zayn comments, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you guys so much for watching them," I tell the boys, truly grateful.

"Any time mate," Louis says and the boys leave. I make the kids dinner and get them ready for bed, telling them they can see Ava in the morning. Once everyone is tucked in, I go to mine and Y/N's bedroom and find her fast asleep. Placing a light kiss to her forehead, I strip down to my boxers and curl up around her.

"Goodnight my lovely," I kiss her head once more and fall into a much needed sleep.


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