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It's been a rough month in the Styles' household. Harry just got a job writing for Smak Records, and has been busy constantly. He works all day and he goes out at night, connecting with people and drinking. It's like he's 21 again, and it's taking a toll on everyone.

Work is picking up for me, and I have to take care of the kids and handle all the problems and I can't do it anymore. I'm fairly certain I'm about to get fired, my boss has talked to me several time this week about messing up. I'm so exhausted, there are bags under my eyes. I look, and feel like I haven't slept in months.

"Mummy, where's daddy?" My five year old asks.

"I don't know baby," I sigh sadly. "Why don't we watch one of his movies and it'll be like he's here."

"Okay," she says happily, making me smile. I follow her into the living room and put in This Is Us. She squeals as the music starts and the other kids file in, and sit with us to watch their daddy.

I'm so angry at Harry right now. In our 17 years of marriage, I've never felt so abandoned. I have no idea where he is, I don't know where he's been all month. He comes home at late hours and is sometimes gone by the time I wake up. I don't think we've even slept in the same bed since this started.

I put the kids to bed then sit down in the living room, waiting for Harry to come home. It's three in the morning when I hear his key in the lock. He stumbles in, tossing his keys on the end table. As he walks into the living room, I flip on the light.

His clothes are disheveled, his hair is a mess, I can smell the alcohol on him from across the room. He startles and looks at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Oh Y/N," he slurs then clears his throat and stands up straight. "What are you doing up? Are the kids alright?"

"Oh. You remember you have kids?" I ask harshly.

"What?" He asks in confusion. "Of course I remember."

"When's the last time you saw our kids Harry? Because I saw them tonight when I put them to bed by myself, like I've been doing for the past month," I snap, my voice slowly raising.

"I've been around," he defends.

"No you haven't Harry," I'm close to shouting. "I haven't seen you in weeks! The kids miss you! I miss you! Today Ava asked me where you are and I couldn't answer that question. You've gone MIA Harry! I can't do this anymore."

"You know my work is important to me," he argues poorly.

"And mine isn't?" I shout. "Why is your job more important than mine? I've had to miss loads of meetings and I'm about to get fired because you're never here to help with the kids! Brooks got called to the principal's office two weeks ago for starting a fight!"

"What?" He asks.

"Exactly!" I scream. "This is what I'm talking about! You have no idea what is going on in mine, or your kids' lives. It seems like you don't care anymore Harry!"

"Don't tell me that I don't care about you," he shouts, stepping closer. "I'm working my ass off so we have something to live off of."

"Why wouldn't we have any money?" I question. "Because you've been wasting it on booze? Is that what you're new job is? Because that what is seems like."

"Don't tell me how to live my life," he yells.

"You're not living it Harry!" I holler. "You're trying to go back to when you were 22 and you could go out every night! What happened to the man I married?"

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