chapter 20

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I was looking back and I kinda use these stories as also sort of a diary. So I guess I'll just give you guys a bit of a life update before I write the story.

Lots of you know that so many school shootings and terrorist attacks. I was in a school shooting. Not the shooter, obviously, but it effected me very closely. It was in the classroom next to the one I was supposed to be in in 3 minutes.

People were shot in other rooms so yeah. I should actually be dead.

College is much more fun than highschool. TRUST ME. XD

Wow. Bipolar moment. Please excuse that XD

Anyway! None of you really care so onto the story!


It was the middle of the night. Hours had passed since she layed her head down to rest. She didnt feel tired but the others insisted she rest. And she was still wide awake.

Her hair had begun to tangle from all the tossing and turning she'd done for the past few hours. Stealing a glance at the window she groaned.

Dawn was breaking.

She didnt feel weary in the slightest. And she knew why.

She was a demon.

Not as strong as a purebred demon but a demon nonetheless.

Sitting up she dressed with a little struggle. Though she was impressed she could dress herself as well as she did. Slipping on some shoes she walked into the garden. Her shoes clicking quietly against the stone path.

The sun had just begun to show its first signs of appearing. When the east glows such a soft bit of orange. The sky was still black and the moon shone full. The brisk January air sweeping her midnight hair behind her and rusling her skirts. Closing her eyes she embraced her new being.

She didnt feel the chill like she used to. She felt its presence. But her body no longer needed the warmth.

Her eyes opened quickly when she heard a faint noise behind her. Quickly whirling around and her guard up. Relaxing when she heard a familiar chuckle.

"You're quite sensitive arent you."

"It's a bit wild but yes. Too bad I couldn't tell it was you right off the bat. Would've saved me the worry." She looked at Sebastian who was some 100 yards away, talking a little louder because of the distance. Though something in her mind told her that was unnecessary.

He strode over to her in what seemed like a blink of the eye, gently grasping her waist and planting a delicate kiss on her ruby lips. Which she gladly returned.

"You've caused me quite some trouble, my lady. " Sebastian chuckled.

"I apologize. But please. Were alone, must you call me that?" Logan sighed in slight frustration.

"But of course. Under the young masters contract I am to serve as a butler. I've pressed the boundaries quite a bit with this affair."

"You're a demon before a butler, Sebastian. I'd like for you to think the same, yes?"

Sebastian chuckled, amused by how earnest she was. "Very well. I shant when were alone."

"Thank you, love."

*************** (see smut chapter 20.5)

Im sorry this took so long! Im really doing my best here.. life's been throwing shit at me left and right.

I had to quit my job because i was so allergic to the soap my hands cracked, bled and even got infected. (It was constantly wrapped and everytime i bled i immediately got it covered)

It was just too much of a worry that I might contaminate something.

Also my stomach ulcer has been making it hard for me to be happy. >:(

Anyway i will try to keep this going whenever I can!

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