Request - Stiles Stilinski "Not dating a cheater"

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You saw that something was wrong.

He looked at you as if you were a different person. He had his muscles tensed as if he was trying to keep his anger in check.

But most of all, the love that had always been in his eyes had disappeared.

He wasn't staring at you anymore as if you were his world, his anchor, his everything. He was staring at you as if you had just broken his heart, as if you had crushed it under your heels.

"What's wrong?" You smiled, acting like you didn't notice that things were off, that things had changed over night.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" Stiles cocked his head and he crossed his arms over his chest.

His voice had always sounded warm, but today it was filled with cold and bitterness.

"Find out what?" You sighed and bent your head. You already knew the answer. Just like you had known that one day he would find out.

He would find out about that kiss. He would found out about that moment a handsome boy had looked into your eyes and had made you forget everything, had made you forget that you had a boyfriend. He would find out that you had cheated on him. He had found out.

"I should have told you..." You bit your lip and wanted to reach out your hand to grab his, like you always did when you were talking to him about a hard and complicated subject.

You and Stiles could tell each other everything. You listened to his stories and he listened to yours.

But you had not dared to tell him this. You had been afraid that he would be angry, that he would break up with you.

"Do you really think that telling me had made a difference?" Stiles shook his head in disbelief and he rolled his eyes, masking that they were filled with tears. "With everything that's going on, I need to know that I can trust the people around me. I need to know that I can trust my friends. I need to know that I can trust my girlfriend."

You knew where this was going. You had cheated on him once and that meant that he couldn't trust you anymore. Actually, you wouldn't trust yourself anymore either, if you had been him.

"I can't deal with someone I can't trust. Not right now." Stiles took a deep breath and you saw how he entwined his fingers behind his back. "It's over. Everything between us. It's over." Stiles turned around and walked away before you could answer.

You saw how his shoulders were trembling and how Scott wrapped an arm around him.

Your eyes filled themselves with tears too.

The last thing you had wanted was everything between you and Stiles being over.

He had been that one person that had really loved you for who you were. He had been the person taking the time to get to know you, to get to trust you.

You had taken that away from him. You had taken that away from yourself.

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