Request - Drabble Elijah Mikaelson

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"Could you tell me where I can find the Shakespeare plays?" You leaned on the counter of the library, your chin resting in your hand.

"Excuse me miss." A strange voice interrupted your conversation. "I would like to help this young lady out, if it does not cause too much trouble." A handsome young man smiled at you, all of a sudden standing next to you.

You had never seen him before, although that wasn't that weird. After all, you had only arrived in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago and this was the first time you visited the library.

"Elijah Mikaelson." He held out his hand and you shook it. "I am always fascinated by young students voluntarily reading shakespeare." He cocked his head a little and you shrugged your shoulders.

"Not entirely voluntarily." You smiled. "(Y/N), literature student." You bit your lip and you saw how Elijah smiled back at you.

"Excellent! Young people are rarely interested in the historical treasures anymore." He nodded at one of the shelves on the other side of the library and he started walking towards it. "If you would allow me, I would love to introduce you to Shakespeare and all the non existing hidden meanings behind his words."

You frowned your eyebrows, but your curiosity overcame your hesitation. "That sounds great, thanks."

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