Chapter 2 Meet Benson?

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I was walking to the park as I got all my stuff I knew I was going to like it here at the park and I saw a someone walking pass bye me and( it was benson) so I was waving at him benson saw us and said"

Benson- Hi so your the new guys names.

Mordical and my bro rigby I said were like good buds benson look at us and He thought were dump but He cool with that.

Benson- ok so your 16th and your in high school that correct?

I said yes we are about to graduate from high school so me and rigby can handle it we are good with clean and all that!!

Benson- we I need to think about it ok give me some Time to talk to you guys on the phone so if you give me your phone number so that I can contact you will see about the job (alright)

I told benson k sound great so we shock hands and left"

The next day rigby got a Phone call it from Benson
I got the iPhone and spoke to benson.


Benson- so I made my desistion your both hired I don't see why not and we will love to see you working at the park?

I say ooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Benson-well I'm happy for you both well tommarow is your first day ok so I will see you tommarow at 7.00 in the moring for meeting. And we have a house for you so you can stay in?

"So benson what do you want us to do first tell us I really need to know now benson. Rigby Was shaking him body that like he was going to explode on him"

Benson-well you boys did a pretty good job so far I want to give you this two gift cards to in inn out burger you earned it well gtg have a date with my new girlfriend (Victoria)


Mordical-ok benson I think we're gonna be hang around but thx anyways and one more thing I ate your burrito from the party?


"I calm benson down with some romantic music but He almost killed me I wanted to cry and run like a baby"

Mordical-wow what all the running about you almost give me a heart attack tell me what the rush man!!!!!!

Rigby-hide me bro benson is mad ok so here what happen? I was hungry till all of a sudden I saw a chipotle burrito and it had all my favorite stuff it have eveything except for tomatoes (so the end) wait He coming!!!!!

Benson- rigby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im gonna smack you come out come out where ever you are?


CJ-wow Mordical I thought I never had a guy like you to take my food in the house you know you are very kind. right now I love a guy that sweet, and good looking to you will all ways be my friend bro come on we got to put all the food in the house my mom is coming she hates stranger?

Rigby-come on bro?

Mordical-what do you want bro I'm in a middle of dinner some (wrong)

Rigby-I came to visit you I'm hungry may I come in please look your were right about eveything but I came to say I'm so crazy for all I did in high school pulling prank on my friend I want to change.

Mordical-"ok well CJ needs my got to go please so go to eillens house please watch tv or something please leave"

Rigby-(ok) we'll (see you later)


Skips-so om benson you know how you have the new guys Mordical, and rigby well I just that I wanted to plan a supries party for them because don't you thing they earned the hard work benson?

Benson-now that you mention that ok with me don't you (think)

Skip-yay thank benson well got to go I'm fixing pops is old radio it all jacked up well see you tonight.

Pops- ooo is that a party I hear skips!!!

Skips-"shhhh your gonna rune it? It for the new guys so keep a look out for Mordical and rigby if you see them distract them"

Pops-ok I'm on ready on it oooo pretty flower oooooo!!!!!


Skips-Have you been watching the window (pops)

Pops-well skips I have it just that there no sigh of them anywhere so I can take it no more have someone else help you!

Skips-wait o No now I have to find muscle man Dang it!!!!!

Benson-did I just hear you say a bad work!!!!! The truth

Skips-yes benson?


"As I heard the door open there were coming in the door and then we hide and we were ready to yelled out surprised"

When they were here we said suprised and we ate (cake)



Mordical-wow thank guys but you don't have to Do this I mean trust me?

Benson-"we have to because you are our new worker you can do what ever you want" and you can do anything when I'm gone it all your.

Rigby-thank benson well who ready to party I know I am!

CJ-dang rigby you sure like to party a lot so Mordical wanna dance in the dance floor?


Mordical-"ok could this get any better then this I love your pretty face CJ I feel like hearts are coming out of my eyes"

CJ-come a little closer Mordical I have a suprised come it ok?

"As I finally new what it feels to become a teenager CJ got my face and kiss me on the lips and she had a smiles on her face it felt like I was in heaven" it was really amazing trust me anyways benson got the cake and we ate chocolate chip pancakes, cool aid, drink and pizza it was so good that night and we party so hard like we just don't care it was awesome!!!!!


Pops-oooo benson this is the wonderful party that I can ever imagine ooooo flying person I want to try that!!!

After are first kiss with CJ I have to tell Her how I feel so I told Her I love you since the day I ment you and I love your smile.

CJ-thank Bae well since the day I ment you I thought to myself oooo I think (He mine) with all that six pack I love six pack guy there really cute and I feel like we're ment to be together forever Baby?

Hi there eveybody so I'm still working on my book so tell me what would girl (what Mordical chose) is it (Margurate) or CJ it up to you guys it against Margurate and CJ. so make sure youn love comment I'm reaching to 400 million like and comment so please like it.(guys)kisses to all of you guys💋💋💋💋

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