Chapter 13 time for mordical to move on

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Benson-alright then rigby listen up carefully I'm am on lunch break the snack bar is close and locked got it I want you to rake the leaves outside and try to to cut the hole park or your fired. I'm going to get some Starbucks want some I got this Starbucks app it tell me when's my next drink, and I can buy a sandwhich for free so (want anything)

Rigby-no thank I'm kinda full for all that nachos at the snack shack?

Benson-ok well don't do anything stupid alright lunch time here I come? Rigby can you open the door because I'm carrying my laptop thank you rigby and enjoy the rest of your day?
And remember your still busted for what happened at CJ house so do not be a slacker got it mr smarty pants? I don't wear pants benson and I mean we didn't do anything wrong we were just having a great time.

Whatever replied benson.

CJ-Mordical ready to watch are movie fifth shades of gray I can't wait to watch it!!

As I was staring at her I thought to myself I should had pay more attention to my friend rigby because He was right all along/and show me not to cheat on other. (Woman) So I had to break the news to her that I have to break her heart but I did not want to do it because it was going to be hard!

But unfortunately I couldn't want to break her heart so I just stay quiet because I don't want to get her mad of not telling my mom I was dating CJ so plain A stay quiet focus on your life I said in my head.


CJ I wanted to tell you umm as I look at Her in the eyes I kept my mouth shut. and said
You look beautiful? Said Mordical in a kindly way

Ooo really I just put my hair up in two pony tails so do you want to have a dinner at my house it just me and my mom. my mom is divorced because my dad cheated on her so He like rich and He plays golf a lot so would wanna have dinner at my mom place.

Mordical-there something I got to tell you ok here it goes I don't know my mom would allowed me?

She welcome to come that fine with me hi lets invited her to my dinner so my mom and you mom can come to dinner.

"Well ok I tell her I see you tonight for dinner ok said Mordical? Remember your welcome to bring something for dinner bring a potato salad ok. As Mordical run and run and run He was at home and open the door and said mom I'm home"  it about time sweetie I was worry where were you Mordical told his mom eveything and Mordical mom said sweetie you were at muscle man party last night I thought I told you no and you still do it listen to me clearly I don't want you hanging around with that girl if I see you with her again you are going to military school!! Do I make myself clean mom shouted Mordical as much as I love you please go to your room and will take tomorrow as slowly Mordical walked he was angry, and stressed out He never heard mom talk that way as Mordical text CJ He text her CJ I can't be with your anymore I think we should break up it not you it me I got grounded and I didn't tell my mom were dating.

As He send it
He was crying in tears
And He started to watch wrestling
On tv and started to fall a sleep

The next morning CJ was working at the hair salon CJ was busy from all that cutting hair after that the door ring it was Margurate walk straight to the cashier how may I help you said CJ

Margurate-well if it isn't CJ

How you know my name said CJ and why you talking punchy to me

Margurate-I tell you stole my boyfriend Mordical and I'm here to haunted you down as you can see and I'm going to take your lovey duby and He will be all mine!

CJ-first of all you broke up with Him and second you cheated on him how in the hell you are coming after me you don't have power you cunt

Margurate-your going down and it going be good trust me you stupid enjoy you day mmmwhahahaha.

Co worker-who was that

Just keep working come on guys don't stand there like chickens work.

Eillen-rigby rigby?

Dang it you scare the daylights out of me ok can you do me a favor and pick you these leaves. Ok and when you done with that can you make me a tuna salad.

Sure anything for you it fine (with me)


Starla-muscle man where can He be I'm not kidding where are you I'm going to count to three one, two, three, what the aw muscle your cooking me breakfast anything for my girlfriend I do

Muscle man-got to work keep and eye on dog?

Ok as they kiss muscle man run to the park to get ready for work.

Later CJ got a text for Mordical and tears coming from her an she run far far away and close her bedroom door and she cry because she was all emotional and stressed
She was so sad and she turn off her iPhone and cry and cry and cry till she stop

CJ moved on with her life so did Mordical

Margurate posted a live streaming video on Instagram said CJ I'm coming for you this is not gonna be fun for you mordical just wanna let you know CJ a lier she Tryed to invited you to her house but trust me she slept with another guy believe me she did so you gotta say sorry to someone like me Margurate well to all my followers signing out?

What will happen next in this story who will win the fight between CJ and Margurate find out in next chapter like+comment

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