Chapter 19 cj fight margurate

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CJ-you don't have to do this Margurate you broke up with Mordical please don't kill me and Mordical!!!!

Shut up and listen to me sister my dad and your dad know each other when they find out what happen your gonna be dead bye the time this gun is shooting at your face do you understand you boy stealer?

I'm am sick and tired of you CJ time to die and as for you Mordical you are dead

Awwwwwwwwwwwww help said CJ someone please help us were trap and looked up in chairs with a psyico woman please God have mercy on me in the name of Jesus!!!!!!

There is no way to escape CJ your lock up forever and bye the way your daddy is not coming to rescued you. You know that because my daddy and you dad are at a conference so don't mind me walk away out too the door I put a bomb in there so you can die happley ever after we'll ta ta losers I always win.

Your never get away with this Margurate because in calling the police!!!
You wish mwhahahahahahahahahaahah well got to go you boyfriend stealer.

CJ-what do we do now Mordical were stuck I don't wanna die I'm in danger Mordical help me I really need you?

Mordical-don't worry I get us out of here ok I know your scared but we're gonna get out of this mess trust me now I want you to do is to follow my lead I want you to do is move your chair closer to me I keep a knife around to cut wood so I'm going to cut the rope ok?

CJ-babe you so sweet ok no time for that do before she comes

Ok said Mordical alright now I almost got it and there ok now don't make some noise tip toe as we escape we are almost there Mordical Margurate coming run as fast as you can before she see us.

(On ready on it)

Eillen-rigby were is Mordical and CJ I haven't see them till the wedding rigby are you even listening too me?

Rigby-oooo ya I was on my iPhone?

Eillen-this is seriously I'm curreous to know who turn of the light and took CJ and Mordical that not like them you know what I mean baby?

Rigby-yay I mean this has never happen before we should find them.

Good idea said Eillen.

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