Chapter 11 mordical leaves margurate

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As I stop and look Margurate I started and augmented with Margurate I was cussing and telling crap about Her I know what I have to do? I have to make a decision and tell Her were done so she were shut up!!!!

I have to do it because it was my decision?

Margurate there something I got To tell you were done ok I'm sick and tired of being  your boyfriend Margurate I mean I just can take it anymore Look it was nice to meet you?

Margurate-what you like my first remember!!!!!!!!! We were meant to be together I love you I'm crazy about you I'm not stupid your little brat we were in love give me a (chance)

Mordical-well I'm sorry were divorced take this I don't want your necklaces, come on CJ let me take you on a romantic dinner at Tony's pasta.

CJ-ok thank you Mordical you my only hero mordical I was wondering wanna sleep over at my place I'm just saying that because I kinda can sleep alone by myself because I have a problem sleeping my doctor said that well I want u to spend time with me I'm very lonely please pretty please Mordical you can sleep on my bed?

Mordical-well I ask my boss if He want me two you see He gave me a place to stay I don't want to break his (heart)


CJ-ok Bae I understand let me know ok baby you my only hope❤️❤️❤️

Mordical-ok I tell Benson said  if it ok I mean He my boss you know He is a little grouchy slashed good boss

CJ- ok give me a kiss Mordical I know you want too😘


CJ-"Mordical I just want you to be my boyfriend forever as long as we both shall live my boyfriend and I'm going to name our the children the same names as us so we can be parents and take care of it"

Mordical-ok CJ.

Later on that night me and rigby were playing monopoly I was the banker, Eillen was helping rigby with the direction because. He never played monopoly before in his hole life benson was walking so as fast as lightning and stop why are you not paying the bills don't you know that Rigby!!

Rigby-well acoustic to your hand book you do know you can probably wait right I do it later Benson

Benson-well now that you said that well your right I'm just overreacting well your just new kid what can I say.

Rigby-yup I'm going not to do it (you know)

Eillen-why rigby you do know your my boyfriend your being a mean boyfriend rigby you can't Do that to your boss He like you first boss you ever had so if your not going to do it your gonna get fired plus I'm going to dump you. You know that right. look rigby if you don't do it I am going to kick you ass!!! Do you hear me

Rigby-"woooooooh yes Eillen I promise. kiss me I'm waiting baby give me some sugar"

Eillen aww rigby not in front of everyone it embarrassing?

Rigby-Bae come on just one kiss can hurt you please my lips are waiting come on!!!

(As rigby kissed Eillen)


Eillen-wow rigby your lips tasted like minty don't stop till I tell you too!!

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