Chapter 3 time Too work

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It was 7.00 in the moring I when the the coffee shop and rigby fell in love with a girl name Eillen rigby girlfriend gave them coffee everyday too wake us up. Eillen talk to rigby are you going to my parents home tonight me and you rigby I was texting my (dad) rigby said.yay I will love too meet your parent sweet cake!!! Rigby kiss Eileen and Left the coffee shop"

Later that moring mordical was crossing the sidewalk till all of a sudden a teenage girl was walk

Suddenly I stop and look at rigby and said who is that? Rigby replied that CJ is is my sister friend she going to be moving here I was like wow is hot I like Her better then Margurate when CJ waved I was making. A ugly faces and she walk away and she was starting to thing I'm dumb.

Rigby was like (ok)?

We came to the park just in time and benson told me and rigby to cut the grass, paint the house, clean the bedroom, and snack duty. We get payed for the weekend if we do it right.

Benson-do mess up or your Fired!!!!!!!!!! O and FYI good luck.

Mordical rigby look at benson rigby thought He a chicken I giggled" as we were doing what we're are supposed too do I was thinking of margurate but I remember what rigby said let it go'

I followed what rigby said?

Mordical-wait a min do I tell Margurate were over o I just be moving on bye myself I mean Margurate it doing is try to cheat on me I mean I don't give a crap about it let her do what she wants to do I don't give a fuck?

Rigby-you might be right I mean me and Eileen really don't have that much in common she is like a little (cupcake)

Mordical-did you say cupcake ooooooo you have feeling for Her!!!

Rigby-no what made you think I have feeling for Her were just friends I like to have a girlfriend not like a that girl who giving me coffee every morning o hi there eillen we were not talking about you?

O I just forgot you left your jacket on the coffee shop I did not spilled it I just washed it clean like you like it well got to get to school I'm going to be a science one day I'm trying to get a good career to earn all A plus on my science in order to get a good life well got to run catch you (later)

Mordical-told you I was right and you were wrong take that rigby woooooooooooo


Rigby-impossible Mordical well at least He has CJ around well I'm leaving Mordical enjoy being with your girlfriend cause the next time I see you again with your girlfriend and show off your sexy girlfriend to eveyone they will be like dang wish I had a sexy lady!!!

Mordical-shut up rigby your just being jealous because I have a girlfriend eveything is going to be just fine with me and CJ so we're gonna leave right now so I should go man?

Rigby-alright I (give up!!!)have fun you too well time for me to call Eillen for movie

Ring!!! ring!!!!!!


Eileen -rigby it all most night time bye now what is it you want Bae I about get ready to go to sleep?

Rigby-sorry to bother you want to watch a movie with me were going to watch  x men want to watch that (movie)

Eillen it would be nice but I got the sniffles Bae I'm sorry maybe another day because I'm kinda sick I can't go how about we watch that tommarow ok?

Rigby-alright sleep well I love you.

Eillen-love you too kiss kiss??


Hang up phone?

Mordical-so CJ any sports you (play)

CJ-Good question I like to play soccer why do you say that.

Mordical-I was just wondering so soccer you say well that cool I play soccer when I was a 8th grader I was a geek in 8th grade some kids call me big head because I have a big fat face I just hate being ugly

CJ-you got to let it go don't think about your child hood think about the future with our kids and when we get old?


Hi every one sorry I could not finished but I'm finally publishing part three of this book it already done for you.and you can read it and comment I'm reaching 400.000 million that it well enjoy.

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