Chapter 1: something new

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"Marie. Marie come up here we need to talk to you." Someone calls from upstairs.

"Coming mom!" Marie calls. She rolls off of her bed and run upstairs to see what is going on. Her long blond hair that was pulled back in a quick pony tail flows behind her as she runs up the stairs, turns, runs through the kitchen, and stops in the door way to the living room to finds her mom sitting on the couch. She looks at her mom with her deep blue eyes trying to catch her breath. Looking at her she could see her mom was upset about something but couldn't tell what it was.

"Marie it's time you learn something about where you came from," her mom said "Where you really came from." There was silence for a moment.

"I'm confused," she says "I mean I know I'm different, but I can't come from somewhere else, can I?" Again there was silence. Her dad walks in with someone she has never seen before. She was a little taller than her was with dark brown hair. When she looked in her eyes it was like trying to look through mud they were so dark, there was no way of telling what she was thinking at all. She tended to stand straight as if there was a board of wood strapped to her and the way she walked was as if she tried to make it look like she had trouble with her balance.

"Marie, this is Nabara, she's like you." He tells her. She can't believe her ears. There she was in the living room looking at this woman and her dad was telling her that she was like her when they said she was one of a kind.

"What are you talking about dad?" she asks completely confused

"He means that we are alike by how we use the powers we have." Nabara says.

"What power?" she must be crazy to think that there was any kind of power other than that of the human mind. Marie knew she could do some things that would scare others so she never did it and just kept to herself.

"Sing while you hold this cup of water and you will see what I mean." She says and hands her a small cup of water.

"Okay." Not too sure of what to expect so she starts to sing. The song goes on and Marie looks down at the water to see it moving and changing, Marie tries to keep her voice from wavering so as to see what in the world was happening with the water, without stopping she keeps singing to the end only to find a sapphire at the bottom of the cup. Marie was starting to freak out when she saw the stone. She has never done that before.

"Where did this come from?!" she asked.

"From your voice," Nabara says, "each female of our kind can make jewels out of water, but we can only make certain ones, we can also tame wild animals, and see what normal humans can't see."

"So what are we?" she asked honestly confused.

"We are called the Infinities." She tells her. Shortly after she tells Marie this her parents start apologizing for not telling her sooner. As they go on she tries to tell them that she has an activity for church at Aglazing arts at six o' five but they just won't listen.

By the time Marie's parents were done with all their talking it was five thirty, she had her church activity at six o' five, and was having someone come and pick her up. Nabara speaks up after several minutes of silence.

"We should be going."

"Going? Going where?!" Marie asks. Where would she be taking me without my parents? She had no idea what was going on.

"Don't you want to meet your real parents?" she asked

"What are you talking about? These are my real parents!" Marie says

"Your real parents would have told you what you were before now."

"I don't care what they would have done I only care about what they have done!"

"Would your parents have told you what you could do rather than let someone else tell you?" Marie had no reply to that because she knew it was true.

"You may go to the activity tonight but I shall be there as well." She tells her

"Fine." she says with a sigh. What else could I do? Nabara was very good at manipulation. Two minutes of silence went on and all four of them stood there without moving, until there was a knock at the door and Marie goes to answer it. When she opens the door she sees standing on the front porch, tall with light brown eyes and light brown hair, very muscular and caring to her that every time she saw him she thought she was going to melt. Standing where he is just slightly leaning against the wall was the boy of her dreams.

"Dylan what are you doing here?" Marie asks him

"I wanted to surprise you." He says and kisses her on the cheek.

"Well I am definitely surprised." She told him with a friendly smile.

They sit outside and talk until her ride gets there (the house); they get in the car, and leave without telling Nabara. Marie knew she would get an ear full when she got home because Nabara said she would accompany her to the activity. Though Marie was happy to be away from Nabara she had a feeling that there was something about the way Dylan was acting lately when he came to see her. Marie decides to leave it alone for tonight because she just wanted to enjoy his company. Marie decided that whatever was going on with him was not her problem, and if he didn't want to talk about it fine, let him think about it on his own and when he was ready he could talk to her about it, if he was ever ready.

Usually when they sit together they text each other but today she decided she would just allow the silence surround them and let him be the first one to talk. She knew it would happen too, she just didn't know when.

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