Chapter 7: Mind Reading

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"Well I'm not asleep am I?"

"No you're not" he says and looks at the floor guiltily.

"Oh stop looking so guilty you're making me feel bad."


"You always say that. Come and sit down you're making me nervous" I tell him and he obeys like a good boy should obey his mother. I kept thinking that I was dreaming and that it was not possible that he was here in my room and that I was hearing his thought a few seconds ago when.

"You're not dreaming and I really am here with you, but the hearing my thoughts I'm not too sure about." With that I start to freak out because he just heard what I was thinking and was telling me it was all real.

"Marie! Are you ok do I need to wake your parents up?"

"How in the world did you know what I was thinking Dylan?!?"

"I've always been able to hear your thoughts but having you hear mine is a little odd."

"I should say" I think in my head just to see if it worked

"Yeah it is a little weird don't you agree?" he asks with his mind.

"Yes really weird." And the conversation goes on from there. We go on like this for several hours and to us time seemed to go by in a flash.

My mom and dad come in to wake me up but find us sitting on my bed side by side. Both of my parents seem to be happy with it and it's kind of weird that I can hear Dylan's thoughts but not theirs.

"Ah you're awake." My mom said as if she was hoping to find me asleep.

"I've been awake since three" I said looking at the clock only to hear her shriek. I look back at her and ask what was wrong only to hear her tell me.
"Your lips aren't moving!" I look over at Dylan only to see him nodding his head yes.

Ok this day couldn't get any weirder right? Wrong! Shortly after my parents left my room my mind was wondering and thinking of the bag of cereal in my bag. When I go to grab it I find it in my lap. I look over at Dylan to see if he was playing a joke on me but he was shaking his head.

"You did it Marie, not me." Well that's just lovely now I move things with my mind like Dylan can, that's messed up.

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