Chapter 10: Betrothed

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As we talk my mom comes in with Dylan's dad.

"We have exciting news!" my mom says.

"Yes very exciting." Dylan's dad tells us

"Yeah and we have no idea what you're talking about." I say

"Yeah, what's so exciting?" Dylan asks.

Our parents look at each other and smile.

"You are betrothed to marry!" my mom says and there was silence.

After about five minutes Dylan and I start yelling at our parents.

"Why wouldn't you tell us...?"

"You had no right to just do that!"

"I thought you would at least give me a heads up!"

"We have a right to have a say in the matter!" And so on. Once we get all of our anger out there was silence again.

After several minutes my mom breaks the silence.

"Your wedding shall be tomorrow night. Dylan the men will work on you. Marie the women will work with you. I don't want to hear any more argument on the subject." And with that our parents left. We sit together in silence and end up sitting on separate sides of the bed. I'm in deep thought when all of a sudden I'm on Dylan's lap and his arms are around me.

"What do you think about this?" he asks

"I don't know. There is so much to take in right now." I tell him, we continue to talk until we fall asleep.

The sun streams through the window and right onto my face causing me to wake up. I turn on my side and see Dylan laying there still asleep.

"Wake up sleepy head." I tell him with my mind and start to nudge him awake.

"It can't be morning already."

"It is." And once I say that two men, and two women, come in and start to lead us to separate rooms.

"We must get you ready." Was all they would tell us.

Still half asleep and a little hungry I have to stand and be fitted for my dress, but Dylan and I just keep talking in our minds because no one can hear us that way. Half way through the day food is brought in and we stop to eat. I'm almost finished eating when I hear Dylan's voice in my head.

"What color is your dress?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Not sure."

"Well, you know I can't tell you."

"I know, but I can always hope." And so that subject was dropped and a new one was started and we just kept talking throughout the day

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