Chapter 5: Being Confronted

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Everyone finally snapped out of their shocked state and gives me gifts that I was unsure I would ever use. I got paint supplies, books, and jewelry. The first two I was good with but the jewelry I was not. Everyone finally leaves so I can get to know my parents. The only person that doesn't leave was really obvious. It was Dylan.

I turn to leave only to see the door closing. I turn around to see Dylan standing in the middle of the room.

"You said you were going to see your relatives! I thought you meant relatives you knew!" He says to me.

"Well I didn't exactly know when I would ever see you again!" I tell him in a harsh tone "What did you expect me to tell you?!"

"The truth!" He yells

Seconds go by and I just stare at him. Finally I break the silence with a question.

"How could I tell you the truth if not even I knew the truth?" I ask. Right when I ask him that he looks taken aback.

"You didn't know?" He asked

"Not until the night I told you I was going to go see some relatives." I tell him and turn towards the door "I never wanted this Dylan. I just wanted to be with you." Then I walk out of the room leaving Dylan there starring after me.

Walking to my room I feel tears in my eyes and I fight to keep them from spilling over. When I get there the door was closed. I open the door and go in the room only to find my parents waiting for me.

"Why don't you come sit with us Marie?" My mom says and both she and my dad sit on the bed. First I'm being confronted by my boyfriend and now I must endure a talk with my parents? Life is never fair to me.

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