Chapter 8: First Real Fight

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We go down stairs to have breakfast and do a little practice with moving things with my mind. Shortly after breakfast I head out to go on a walk to help clear my mind. I start thinking of all the crazy things that are now going on in my life. While walking I pass a few people who look like they would want to kill me just for the fun of it or at least just do me serious harm. I walk several blocks away from the house and find that we are just outside of Port Angeles. After making my discovery I start to head back to the house only to be stopped halfway there by the same people I saw before. It turns out they were following me the entire time I was out here.

"What do you want?" I ask with a shaky voice

"You" one of them said and they all rushed towards me at once. I turn and run to the closest thing I could find at the moment which happens to be a tree. I jump and start to climb like my life depended on it, which it did. I climb as fast as I can and look down once I reach the top of the tree only to see the people who were chasing me climbing the tree too. I decide to take a chance and go out on a limb; I then fling myself out of the tree and as I fall I hear people yell out


The ground grows close, I flip, land on my feet, and start running again.

"Dylan Help!" I yell in m head and show a picture of where I was.

Running out of breath stop for just a second, even that short amount of time gave the people who were still chasing me time to catch up. Too worn out I just hold my ground and keep an eye on them as they circle me.

"There's nowhere to run girl. Just come quietly." one of the people says.

"Why would I come quietly?" I ask and pull out the knife that my mom gave me. They all rush me and as I fight the knife grows into a sword. One of the people, who wanted to kidnap me, as I soon found out, grabs my sword arm and tries to grab the other arm. I strike out at him and catch him on the face and he lets go with a yell and hold onto him face like someone just hit him with barbed wire. Once he lets go of me I continue to fight.

As the fight continues I feel like I will pass out from over exertion. I keep going and I hear Dylan speak to me in my head

"I'm about two minutes away. Hang in there just a little longer." And with that I keep fighting but I'm wearing out fast. Almost exactly two minutes later Dylan appears with several others and they all enter the fight. There is only one slight problem, once I see them I end up collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. One of the people who wanted to kidnap me picks me up and starts to make a run for it; he doesn't make it any further than my dad.
I start to fall towards the ground but then I never hit the ground. I soon feel arms around me and I look up to see Dylan looking down at me. He starts to pick me up, still watching me, and sees me faint. Why did I have to pass out in front of him?! Now my life really sucks at the moment.


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