Chapter 4: My Real Family

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I wake up and fine myself in a bed, so it turns out that we arrived where ever we were going. I sit up and find that I'm wearing a blue silk nightgown. I've never owned anything that nice or with real silk before, so it was a real surprise to see it.

I get dressed and go down stairs to see what is going on. When I get there, there is a large banner that says "WELCOME HOME MARIE!" and it really surprised me to see all the people that were gathered in what must be the living room just waiting for me to come down the stairs and into the room, they haven't seen me yet, so they can yell "Surprise!" most likely. It just so happened that the one person I was thinking I would never see again was in the living room with the crowd of people.


I step out from behind the door, that's where I was hiding, and everyone yells "Surprise!" just as I thought they would. I look at Dylan and just shake my head, I could not believe he was here and he never told me what he could do! As I look at him he looks completely shocked to see me there. I look around the room and in a small voice I say hello to everyone when someone comes up to me and gives me a hug and tells me something interesting.

"It's good to see you again honey."

"Thanks?" I reply. Through the next half hour I was being introduced to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and friends to the family.

"Marie there is someone I want you to meet." Nabara says for maybe the hundredth time and leads Dylan over.

"Hi Marie." He says

"Hi Dylan." I reply.

"You two know each other?" Nabara asked.

"Yeah we know each other." I tell her. My mom, the lady who gave me the hug I find out, goes out to get something and everyone takes a seat on a chair or on the couches.

"Nabara, what is my mom's name?"

"Her name is Jennifer." She tells me, once she said her name my mom was back with a box I her hands.

"This is for you my dear." my mom says handing the box to me.

The first is a sapphire necklace, and the second is a sapphire blade with a gold handle. My mom puts the necklace around my neck, when the clasp is done I hear a sizzling sound, I go to feel for the clasp only to find it melted.

"Mom what happened to the clasp?" I ask with a concerned voice, I don't want to wear it forever!

"Once the necklace is in place the clasp melts. All of the women have one with their birth stone." She tells me matter of fact. All the women in the room show their necklaces but none of them have one with sapphires, not a single one.

"If you're my real family why would you send me to a different family?" I ask

"You were the first of our kind to be born in September. You have powers none of us understand." My mom told me "There are people out there who want to use you for things that could put everyone in great danger."

Everyone was silent for several minutes. It was like no one knew what to say. So this was my real family, I'll need some time to get use to the idea that I have powers that no one even understands, oh well I'll live.

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