Chapter 2:An Interesting Night

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On their way to the activity Dylan and Marie just sit quietly in the back of the car, Marie just looks at Dylan out of the corner of her eye and sees how perfect he was.

"Marie is everything alright? You're really quiet" Dylan says. Marie looks at him and smiles trying to make it look like nothing was the matter with her even though she was upset about finding out that her parents really weren't her parents.

"I'm fine. Just thinking of how perfect this is being able to be here with you." she tells him, and they just sit quietly the rest of the ride. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the art studio, but once they got to their destination, they all file in and look around to see what ceramic object they were going to paint. The studio isn't big, but it isn't small either. It had bright colors on all of the walls and small sayings and neat designs. Marie finds a small box with a rose on it and picks it up to go paint it where Dylan won't see.

While painting Marie goes through her memories of all the good times she had with Dylan. They first met in their seventh grade science class; Marie was a very shy girl then and wouldn't really talk to anyone, when one day Dylan comes into class half covered in mud.

"What did you do, slid down the hill?" she asked him for the first time

"No, soccer can get pretty intense when you're playing with my friends and I." He told her.

"I bet it does." That was their first conversation. They grew to be good friends and found they had a lot in common. They were the same age, thirteen at the time, and they both liked some kind of sport. Three years go by and now they were in high school and were both sixteen. They start dating and find they really love each other but take it slow so they don't rush into things they were not ready for. Now she had to leave all that behind and she wanted to leave Dylan something he would remember her by when she was gone. When Marie finished the box the rose is a nice red and it had blue surrounding it. In the lid it says I heart U! And it was green on the inside of the base she takes the finished box to the counter and waits for everyone else to finish. As she waits Marie asks the lady at the desk if they had any openings for a job. She gets an application and fills it out then gives it back to her. While she waits she talks to the lady at the counter and found her name was Katherine, she has been working at the studio for several years and knew a lot about what went on in the studio during the week. Once everyone was done with their objects and they were on the counter they left the studio and headed home.

On the way home Dylan is very quiet, Marie doesn't bother him like she usually would because at the moment she was tired and had a lot of packing to do to get ready to leave the small town of Port Angeles. They get to Maries house at about eight thirty at night, she asks Dylan to wait outside for a moment and goes in to endure the lecture of her life from Nabara.

"You were supposed to just disappear and what do you do?! You ask for a job! Now they will be expecting you! Do you have any idea how serious this is?! No we have to make sure that there are others that get the job so we can get you trained to use your powers! Of all the things to do you just had to ask for the job didn't you?! You're just lucky we know what to do when these kind of things happen. Who else is expecting you to come see them for things? We need to get it taken care of so you don't have any distractions while finding out what you can fully do." and so on. When she was done Marie went outside to sit with Dylan until his dad comes and picks him up.

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