Chapter 3: Leaving it all Behind

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Shortly after Dylan leaves I go back inside only to see Nabara standing there with a bag of my clothes. I sit on the floor and think of all of my friends and what I will tell them when they ask where I am.

"Let us be off." Nabara says

"How long will we be gone?" I ask

"As long as it takes for you to learn how to use your powers." She tells me and leads me outside to her car. I get in the back of the car and hug one of my note books to my chest, hoping that this was just a dream and that I would wake up soon. We pull away from my house when my cell phone rings.


"Hey Marie, I was wondering if ... you know... maybe you wanted to come over and meet my parents?" it was Dylan who was calling.

"I wish I could Dylan, but I'm going to see some relatives right now, I'm sorry." I tell him feeling tears run down my face.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you when you get home." He says and hangs up.

"No you won't." I say into my phone and put it back into my pocket. I hope he will understand.

On the way out of town I start to wonder if I will remember everyone that I befriended over the past few years. Hugging my note book just reminds me of all the inspiration they gave me.

"I hate leaving everything behind." I complain.

"Well that's too bad. You need to learn what we can provide for you." Nabara says and that was her way of telling me to shut up and stop complaining. I sit quietly in the back seat and eventually I fall asleep.


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