Chapter 6: Thoughts and Feelings

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Once my parents left after talking to me for a few hours I sat alone on my bed pondering my feelings and messed up thoughts. The first thoughts hat come to mind are "this really sucks! Why does this have to happen to me?" not to mention that I was feeling like crap. To me something like this should never have happened because, it wasn't something I wanted in a million years.

The more I think about everything the worse I feel. I lay on my bed curled up to try and make every feeling that I was feeling go away and let the thoughts just pour over me. I start to drift off to sleep when I hear my door open. I hear footsteps at the foot of my bed and the door closes. I look at my clock and see that it is three o'clock in the morning! I'd have to say that that is the most ungodly hour to wake up at. Soon after the door closes and the footsteps stop I hear weird things in my head like someone talking to me "She is so beautiful. I shouldn't have been so hard on her..." and so on. Finally I couldn't take it any longer I turned the light on and looked to see who was at the foot of my bed only to find one person standing there. It was Dylan.

I stare at him for several seconds and wait for an explanation but it never comes.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask.

"Oh crap" was what I heard in my head then Dylan finally found his voice.

"I thought you were asleep."


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