Chapter 9: My Head Hurts

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"She should have woken up by now."

"Be patient, Dylan, she was quite worn out."


"Let her body heal, Dylan"

"I'm not leaving her side"

"Very well"

A door opens and closes behind what must have been my father and then there is silence. I hear a chair being pulled up by my bed and feel a hand in mine. I then hear

"Please wake up, Marie. I need you."

"I need you too." I say and open my eyes and look at him. His eyes looked red from tears and his hair was unkempt like he just woke up from a long nights sleep.

"Yeah, I know. I couldn't sleep. I was worried about you." Oh man he was sweet and caring.

"I'd think that you would want to scold me."

"No. You were very brave a few days ago. Why would I scold you?"

"I don't know."

"Come on you. Let's get some food in your system." He says as he picks me up and takes me downstairs into the kitchen.

After eating we go back upstairs and talk about what happened after I passed out.

"After I picked you up the people we were fighting ran off. We're not sure where they went but I'm going to be at your side 24/7 from now on."

"Dylan, I'm fine and you know it."

"I'm still going to be at your side at all times."

We'll I guess my room needs a new bed in it."

"Yeah it does." And he starts to laugh.

"Wait what happened to my knife/sword thing?"

"It's right here. It's a sword by the way; Jennifer was shocked to see it."

"I bet she was." I say and the conversation goes on to the point my head starts to hurt. The only other time my head would hurt was when Dylan was helping me with my math homework. This is just getting too weird.


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