Time alone

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You sat beside Steve on the couch. "Feeling better?"

"Physically yeah. Emotionally not so much."

"oh come on you've been shot at a great deal of times before." You snorted, "Don't pretend this is any different."

"It's not because of that.", he turned facing you, staring you straight in the eye: "It's you."

"What me? Don't blame this on me. I helped you." You pocked him in the chest.

"It's the way you did it."

"Did what?" You asked, still very much confused

"You cut out the bullet from your skin to carry me. That was just really selfless. I have never seen anybody that would have done that to help someone else."

You suddenly felt awkward, he was praising you. The last you'd been praise was... you can't even remember. You quickly answer in a rather worried voice:

"I knew I only had to wait a minute before I was fine again. It really wasn't a big deal. I promise."

Steve stared at you. He slid closer to you and lay a hand on your shoulder. You exhaled a breath you didn't know you had. You couldn't look at him. He was praising you and it felt wrong. You helped him because you were selfish not selfless, you wanted him to be fine so you could be fine. His well-being affected your own. Although you tried to deny it sometimes it was clear, now.

Steve placed a hand under your chin and slowly lifted it so that you were facing him. His eyes were shining, there was twincle in his eyes. He took a deep breath then holding your hand and staring in your eyes, said:
"(Y/n), I am saying this with no expectation of an answer. But with great hopes of the reciprocated feelings. I love you; for your inner you beauty. I never thought someone could have all these qualities but you have proven me wrong. You are both selfless and protective. Sweat and caring. Brave and clever. Curious and funny. Wonderful yet honest.
You have raised ever man's hopes in a partner. You are amazing. And although we have only met about." Steve paused looked at his watch and said "A month, two days and five hours and fourth minutes ago. I find myself in love with you.

No. Not in love." He put his hands under his chin than finally decided on what to say and parted his lips to finish the sentence he was crafting:

"In love would be expecting there is a way out. I'm afraid the only way I could detach myself from you would be the exact same way I could detach myself from Life. I, Steve Rogers, am in love with you for all that you are, all that you were, all that you will be, and all that you do. 

I. Love. You. "

He took a deep breath. Looked you straight in the eyes again. A smile playing on his lips. You grinned and answered:

"Well aren't you quite the poet. I love you. You; Steve Rogers. I love you and you have found your way to my heart."

You gently placed Steve's hand on your heart.
"Through my thoughts"

You placed it on your forehead.

"Through my words."

You lay his fingers on your lips.

"Through my actions."

You wrapped your hands around his.

"And, finally, though I know not how you found yourself there; in my soul."

You peaked into Steve's eyes. In that moment, you remembered your first kiss. Your first hug. Your first eye contact. Your first conversation. His first laugh.

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now