Chapter 10: Everything Is Embarrassing

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The sun rose in the iridescent skyline on a frosty day. The pine trees surrounding Prince's home were covered in icicles and frosted snow. The gelid air blew into Prince's bedroom and awoken Prince from his slumber. He shifted his body towards the cold winds and noticed that he had left the window open last night. Prince grumbled in grogginess. He fulfilled his daily stretches of exhaustion and shoved his lavender coated coverings out of his way. He felt a gust of wind blowing at his body. It was colder than usual. He looked down upon himself and noticed that his clothing had been missing. ''What the hell?'' Prince pondered. He shrugged it off and closed the window. He pulled his robe on and walked out of his bedroom. A delectable taste charged into his nose. He had wondered if Marie had came home. Prince darted to the kitchen to find a mysterious lady cooking in a clubbing dress. Prince gulped. What was this person doing in his house?  ''Hello?''  Prince greeted. The mysterious woman shifted her attention towards Prince and began to giggle. ''Last night was wonderful.'' Imagery of Marie weeping had invaded his head. He took a seat upon one of his stools as he tried to piece together what was happening right now. ''What do you mean by that?'' Prince asked. The mysterious lady's giggle turned into a chuckle as she served eggs and pancakes to Prince. Prince came up with a scenario in his mind. He didn't like it but it was the only explanation that could possibly correlate to this moment. ''Did we have sex last night?'' The mysterious lady nodded her head in reply to his query. Prince couldn't believe what was happening. He laid his head upon the countertop and weeped. ''Who are you anyway?'' He asked in between sniffles. The mysterious woman sat adjacent to Prince and brushed her fingertips ever so carefully across his neck. ''I am Vanity.'' Prince felt anger brewing inside of him. He grasped upon Vanity's arm and proceeded to drag her body out of the house. ''Get out!'' Prince threw her out on the snowy streets and slammed the door. Outside Vanity laid abraded by the icicles that lied upon the ground. ''Ouch!'' She shouted.  Inside of the Paisley Park residence, Vanity hadn't even left before Prince called Marie. Prince weeped to Marie leaving little to no room for her to understand his speech. ''It will be okay.'' Marie reassured. ''I love you, Marie.'' Prince muttered in reply. The phone conversation ended rather soon. It was breakfast time in the jail and she didn't want to miss out. 

Prince sat upon his bed forcing himself to remember the night before. He knew he had to have been drunk. He would have never broken Marie's trust in a sober mindset. Prince didn't have anybody to blame this on but himself. He strolled into the closet that Marie and he shared and lied upon the floors. He unfolded one of Marie's clothing pieces and began to cuddle it. He often pondered on how he would tell Marie about his sultry night with Vanity; however he didn't know where to begin. Prince didn't even remember; however his hangover surely wasn't late. A sudden migraine overcame him. Prince's migraine had no match for the agony that was brewing in his heart. It felt like a hundred million heartaches were going on in his body. "Marie!" He exclaimed to himself. The Paisley Park only accommodated the broken-hearted. He lurked around his estate feeling as lonesome as ever. Suddenly, several knocks reverberated upon his doorstep. He strolled to the front entrance of his home and peaked out the window. There the same woman from hours before stood forth at his door. She wore a raspberry beret. It was one of the expensive kinds that he would find in the mall. He creaked the door open to examine her even more. ''Hello.'' She greeted. She invited herself into the Paisley Park and sat her goodies down on the countertops in his kitchen. Prince who was internally perplexed at the unexpected arrival of Vanity; however was pleased with the gifts that adorned him arms. ''I bought you some cookies. I wasn't sure whether or not if you liked macadamia nuts; but I bought them anyhow.'' Vanity explained. "Why are you here?" Prince questioned. Vanity chuckled at his question. She opened the container that contained the cookies and bit into one. "These are delicious cookies, You should try some of these." She persuaded. He glared at the multiple foods that scattered across his countertop. She seemed to have known him better than he had known her. He partook of a macadamia but cookie and delicious they were. It would remind him of the previous memories that he and Marie would share. Vanity could tell that her plan was working. Prince was too satisfied to even ponder over her sudden visit. "I got a little something for your 'someone'." Vanity confessed. She revealed a pearl necklace that was imported from Paris. Prince gazed upon the gift. I guess it wouldn't hurt to partake of such a thing as well. "This isn't for you Prince, this is for your 'someone'." "I could give it to her for you." Prince reasoned. "Fine, I suppose. Where is she though? It couldn't just be you in this spacious establishment." "Well, she's not here with me as of now. She's in prison." Vanity gasped at such words of Prince. She eagerly pulled up a stool to hear the rest of his story. "By the way, I bought you some Advil." She motioned to the plastic bag. Prince sighed in relief as he swallowed them whole. He continued his story and left no details a stray. "You must be so lonely in this home by yourself." She empathized. He nodded his head and sat upon the stools as well. "Tell you what, I will look after you while Marie is gone. I know this may seem awkward; but I believe that I could be a good influence on you." She convinced. Prince began to ponder over Vanity's suggestion. A establishment like this was rather burdensome to keep up. Especially since the recent shunnings of his assistance. He was in need of help, so he accepted her offer. 


''Where shall I set up?'' Vanity questioned. She placed her belongings upon the floor of Marie and Prince's bedroom. ''I guess you can set up on the floor.'' He directed. Vanity chuckled at his instructions. ''You don't own another bedroom in this establishment?'' ''I do; but I don't know you very well yet.'' Prince stated. ''Well, I can't just sleep on the floor.'' Prince sighed at her statement. He knew that he would eventually feel guilty for having her sleep upon the floor. After all, she did buy him a few things. It would have only been polite for her to sleep across for him. So, he cleared a space for Vanity in his bed. It was rather uncomfortable to be placed in such a situation. He often pondered on what Marie would have thought if she had even seen them this way. Prince would have kicked her out of his home; but she was being too much of help in his time of need. ''It's only until Marie comes home.'' He reassured himself. He flicked his lamp off and fell into his awaiting slumber with Vanity occupying the space of Marie. 

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