Chapter 5: Who's Gonna Love You Now?

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Marie awoken with the most agonizing headache that she had even felt in her 16 years of living. Marie opened her somber eyes and peaked at the alarm clock. It was time for her to wake; however she wasn't ready to. She propped herself up upon her bed and whimpered.  The sun had already come out to play and it didn't seem like it was going away anytime soon. Marie sat bracing herself for the burdensome day ahead. Marie forced herself out of bed and immediately she fell to the floor. Not only was there pain in her head, there was also pain in her stomach. She rubbed upon the tortuous spot and cried out. She cried out so loudly it awakened her sleeping mother, Elizabeth. Another squeal escaped from Marie's lips once more. The sounds bombarded Elizabeth's ears as she instantaneously came to Marie's rescue. ''Marie!'' She shouted as she knocked upon her bedroom door. Elizabeth pried the door open to find her daugther, Marie upon the floor. ''Marie, Are you okay?!'' Elizabeth exclaimed. She lifted Marie's faltered body and placed her upon her bed. ''I have a terrible stomachache.'' Marie whimpered. Elizabeth sat upon Marie's bed as well to closely examine where her injury lied. As she examined Marie she noticed an index card that was hidden beneath Marie's clothing. She pulled it out of the pile and feasted her eyes on Marie's 'problem'. Elizabeth's motherly instincts began to blare like police sirens on a hot summer's day. Elizabeth tried to disregard the evidence that lied in the palms of her hands;But she just couldn't. ''Marie, what is this?'' Elizabeth questioned. Marie's eyes glared at the index card that Elizabeth held in the air. They widened once she realized the danger that was awaiting her. A cloud of guilt rained upon her. Elizabeth had never felt so much shame in her life. ''We will speak of this later young lady.'' Elizabeth dialed 911 upon Marie's phone. It was clear that their little 'problem' was about to become monumental. 


At the emergency room, Marie and Elizabeth sat in room 777 waiting for the news that would change everything. The Infusion Nurse entered Marie's room with equipment to speak for her. The nurse rummaged around her equipment to find a sterile needle to prick Marie's arm with. Marie hadn't paid much attention to the woman in scrubs, However once Marie's eyes rolled upon the gigantic needle she began to climb the walls. ''No, Mommy make them go away!'' Marie roared. Marie was no match for the nurse. The nurse pulled her down and Elizabeth constricted her body with her bare hands.

  ''Mommy, I'm so sorry!'' Marie exclaimed. Elizabeth glared at her with a very confused look. She secretly knew exactly what Marie was going to say; However, she didn't want it to be true. ''I have been lying to you lately. Marie confessed. ''This is it.'' Elizabeth thought. She braced herself for the most terrifying news a mother could hear. ''I went to Prince's house without your permission and...'' Marie didn't have the guts to finish her sentence. She resisted Elizabeth's grip and pulled the blanket over her entire body. Marie hoped that it all was just a dream. ''Well, Marie if I hadn't guessed anything else I'd say that you were pregnant. '' Elizabeth stated. Marie took the time to ponder over her previous decisions. She became worried about the mystery that had yet to be discovered. ''Well, I hadn't taken a pregnancy test, so I wouldn't know.'' Marie stated. Marie shifted her attention towards the nurse who stood in shock at her response. She too hoped that she just had an illness to worry about. Marie swallowed her pride and asked the nurse for a pregnancy test. The nurse sprinted to retrieve the nearest test for little Marie. In no time, the nurse had found one for her. Marie thanked the nurse for her cooperation. She hobbled to the hospital's restroom and took the pregnancy test. The directions that lie before Marie stated that it would take up to seven minutes. Marie sat chipping the old coral nail polish that adorned her fingernails in anticipation. Seven long minutes had finally arrived when the test had come to a conclusion. Marie snatched the pregnancy from the sink and read the results. The pregnancy test blinked a positive sign. It was official, Marie was pregnant. Marie was in disbelief at the results. She thought of asking the nurse for another, But it was already clear to her through her burdensome symptoms what had begun. She sunk the floor, trying to come up with words to say. She was emotionless in that moment. It couldn't possibly get any worse than this. 

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