Chapter 9: Without You

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Prince watched as the police officers carried Marie away He wanted to cry as she left; but he kept himself sustained. He blew one last kiss to Marie before they drove off with her. Something about the moment made Marie laugh. She 'caught' the kiss and blew one his way as well. The police officers sped off, leaving Prince alone. He walked to the garage for his car and sped off as well. He arrived at the home and unlocked his front door. He opened his bedroom door and curled into the bed. The bed had still provided the humidity of Marie's body. The sensation that the sheets were providing enabled Prince's weeps. He laid upon Marie's side and commenced to wallow in his sorrows. The scent of Marie sprang into his nostrils as he went on. He felt like his soul had been ripped away by an angel from the heavens. The perfume of Marie became potent while he listened to the previous voice mail she had left. The resoundings of her voice made him scream in frustration. ''Why!'' He shouted. After his temper tantrum had decreased he walked to his studio to create a song in honor of Marie. The song was called Letitgo. Once he was pleased with what he written, he fell straight to sleep upon the studio floors.

During his slumber, Prince had the most horrific dream. The dream contained who was being stabbed Marie in jail sale. She dialed Prince for help; but unfortunately was unable to help her. He screaming into the phone as listened to Marie's breathe slipped away from her body. This dream had jolted Prince awake. He began beating upon the floor as he had awoken. Once his consciousness had reached him, He realized it was all just a dream. He looked around and noticed he was still in the studio. He walked down the stairs and into the bathroom to freshen up. As he started his shower, the phone began to ring. Prince leaped over to the phone and answered. ''Hey.'' Marie greeted. Prince nearly fainted at the sound of her voice. Each time she called felt like a gift from heaven. It hurt him that he couldn't hold Marie in his arms; but he digested and took advantage of the moments they had over the phone. ''Hey.'' He muttered, trying to sustain his sanity. Marie eyes always became mistful when Prince would return her phone calls. The time consistent time that they spent apart would make her soul burn for his touch. ''I missed you.'' She muttered. Prince remained muted on his end. If she spoke a second longer he would just die. Life without Marie wasn't a life he wanted to lead any longer. ''The court stated that I have to spend three months in jail.'' Marie confessed. ''What am I supposed to do without you for three whole months?!'' Prince exclaimed. ''I need you and the baby here with me. I can't pretend like this isn't hurting me because it is!'' Marie sighed in response to his explosion. ''I am there in spirit.'' She muttered. On the opposed side of the phone, the prisoners were claiming the phone as their own possession. Marie desperately wanted to be free from the dreadful place. ''Goodbye, Prince.'' Marie muttered.

 Inside of the Paisley Park residence, Prince had continued his shower by his lonesome. Instead of using his own shower gel, he bathed in Marie's soap. As she lathered it onto his skin, memories of her haunted him. Prince stood underneath the water and soaked up the fragrance. She smelled of this each time she slipped into his bed. He smirked at the memories of them making love in the wee hours of the day. There wasn't a person on the entire planet that could replace Marie. He began to miss her again. He shook his head rapidly, as he tried to rid himself of the intruding thoughts. Soon enough after his shower, He sat upon his bed torturing himself with the repetitious playings of Marie's voice mail. Prince couldn't suffer from this any longer. A notion to go out for a night on the town sparked in his mind. He gathered both himself and his best clothing and sped off into the midnight city. He arrived at his favorite clubbing spot called 'Glam Slam'.  It was a wonderful place to attend if you needed a good distraction. Before he headed inside of the club, He prayed for Marie's safety. 

Inside, he sat alone at the bar and linked his light brown eyes with the menu. He ordered the stiffest drink the menu provided. It wasn't like Prince to drink; however the stresses of life were consuming him. A stiff drink was the perfect distraction from the worries that lied before him. A few moments of waiting he received his drink and savored every last drop of it. The drink already conjured a buzz within him; but he ordered another one. Something told him he wasn't going home early that night. As he drowned himself in his liquor, his eyes glared to the right of him. An alluring woman had just walked into the club and sat across from Prince. She had dark-brown hair and eyes. She was an averaged sized woman with a slightly curvaceous frame. Prince who was now drunk linked glares with the mysterious lady in black. She flashed Prince one of her dazzling smiles as she ordered a margarita off of the 'Glam Slam' menu. Prince bit his lip in desire, he knew his thinking was wrong; but he couldn't help but to entertain it. He tapped the lady upon the shoulder to capture her attention. She cocked her head in Prince's direction and began to spark a conversation. ''I didn't see you there.'' She fibbed. She introduced herself as Denise Matthews. She was a girl looking to destress herself at a local bar. Her story seemed to have similarities to Prince's story and from this they bonded. Three hours later and several drinks devoured, Denise's beauty became to sparkle in his eyes. The only thing that Prince had on his mind was how he was going to win Denise's heart for the night. ''Let's get away from this noise.'' Denise insisted. Prince partook of the offer and let Denise take control of their whereabouts. She guided him to a private room that the club built for 'sensual purposes'. The room provided no source of light for them to see. It was perfect for the occasion. Denise knew exactly how she would take advantage of Prince. ''Let's play a game.'' Denise insinuated. She reached for Prince's buttoned coat and commenced unbuttoning the clothing. She didn't need a light source to for a game like this. Prince couldn't see Denise; but he could feel her. She caressed his thigh with her one of hands and the other she used to locate his face. Prince moaned as she caressed his thigh. She kissed upon his neck and lick upon it as well. Prince moaned in delight as he let Denise manipulate his body. She moved her hand up to his pants and removed them, exposing something that couldn't be seen. The elements of surprise that Denise was generating made Prince very excited. She commenced to gripping and sucking upon any flesh on his body that she could find. Denise could tell that Prince was having the time of his life. His moans turned into whimpers as she continued. ''Denise...'' He moaned. She placed his sleek mouth over Prince's and sucked the residual liquor that adorned the sides of his mouth. ''Call me Vanity.'' She muttered as she drank from his lips. ''We shouldn't be doing this.'' Prince imposed. ''Why is that?'' Vanity questioned. ''I have someone.'' Prince replied. He pulled his clothing back on and opened the door of the private room. Vanity stood there in the private room gasping for air as she watched her opportunity leave. ''Wait.'' Vanity declared. Prince glared at Vanity with a puzzled expression. She seemed to be enjoying his company a little more than she expect. ''Do you think we could be friends?'' Vanity asked, sincerely. Prince nodded at her request. ''You can never have too many friends.'' He thought. They exchanged information and proceeded to chat for a few more moments. The 'Glam Slam' had come to a close, once Prince and Vanity decided it was best to part ways. Prince sped off into the dawn in his corvette as Vanity observed in awe. She secretly wished that it was her that he left to see. ''Whomever this 'someone' is better hold on to him.'' Vanity thought. 

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