Chapter 16: Wynter

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Prince lied upon his bed whilst little Wynter slept, without disturbance a long side of him. Vanity had just prepared her nourishment when she sauntered into the room. Prince couldn't take his gaze off of the small child. She was just as alluring as her mother. She was a noiseless infant who hardly fussed a bit. She wasn't a famished child either. She reminded him of himself when it came to eating. She hardly did it. It made him slightly worried, however she appeared to be healthy. There wasn't much growth of hair upon her scalp, however it was visible. The pigment of her hair reminded him of the almonds that his mother used to prepare almond milk for him when he was younger. He placed a peck on her flushed cheeks, as she coed into the cozy covers of the bed. Vanity stood watching the commotion from across the room. Marie didn't deserve to view a moment like this. Marie didn't deserve to parent that child. At least that is what Vanity thought. She curled up upon the bed to get a closer look at the child. She caressed her still flushed cheeks with her fingertips and giggled to herself. It was like staring at a miniature version of Marie. Vanity only wished that little Wynter was hers. Maybe then she and Prince would live happily ever after without any fear of interference tearing them apart. She often wondered if Prince would take his proposal to Marie back. Vanity would have been more than enthusiastic to take her place. 


The unexpected coo's of Wynter consumed their awareness as they observed, closely for her next movement. Apparently, Wynter accomplished her slumber. They knew this was accurate when she opened her bright sapphire-pigmented eyes. Vanity gasped at how blue they appeared. A gorgeous baby she indeed was. A gorgeous baby came from the most monstrous fiancee that ever existed. Vanity began to become angered at this moment. She had until October to leave Prince and their child. The child Marie pawned off to her mother and didn't even inform Prince about. This wasn't over, not for Marie, Vanity nor Prince. Vanity was going to fight to the death for Prince. It didn't matter to her what anyone thought. This was personal, this was war. 

She left from the bedroom and darted outside of the Paisley Park residence potentially breathless from her anxieties swallowing her thoughts. She dialed Marie's prison number that she had memorized from Prince's consistent phoning and gave her a piece of her mind. By the time Vanity had concluded her speech, Marie began to explode from the inside, out. The security of the penitentiary had to secure Marie because her violent outburst. Vanity wasn't going to get away with this and she knew it. She flung her cellphone onto the frosted concrete floors of the outside and sauntered inside as though nothing had occurred.  Prince welcomed Vanity back in Paisley Park, whilst he mimicked Wynter's hand to emote a greeting. She grinned warmly and pecked her upon her rosy cheeks.  This was the most jovial she has seen Prince and even herself in a while. 

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