Chapter 11: A Day With Vanity

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A foreign fragrance filled the Paisley Park on a saturated September. The exterior layer of Paisley Park seemed to have fogged over dawn. Last night, A downpour of natural weathering had taken place in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The windows of the building were far too hazy to tell the time of day that it was once Prince awoken. Vanity had arisen with the sun and laid before Prince in his snug bed. She had previously brewed a cup of green tea to boost his energy. Prince groaned at the sunlight that commenced to adorn the room. His eyes flickered in a steady motion as he regained consciousness from his slumber. He rubbed his light brown eyes to apply leverage to his vision. As he braced himself, Vanity gazed at Prince's somnolent expression. She placed the cup of tea in his hands and strolled into the dusk of Paisley Park. The steam of the tea rose to Prince's somber features and misted his skin. The aroma of the beverage made Prince moan with pleasure. He sipped upon his cup and detected that the flavor of the beverage was green tea. He smirked at the cup of tea that he had drunken. It reminded him of he and Marie's first date. Prince gazed outside of his window to find the residuals of a previous thunderstorm evaporating into the sky. He pondered if Marie was able to observe it. Good things have been happening to Marie lately whilst she spent time in prison. The court system has allowed Marie bail if she remained well mannered. ''God, I love her. '' He thought. 

A unforeseen knock resounded on his door, Prince thought it was his assistance returning to collect their belongings when he opened the door. ''Good morning!'' Vanity exclaimed. She placed a platter of breakfast upon his dresser and embraced his body. She wanted so badly to be the Marie in his universe. He chuckled at the boldness of Vanity's character. ''At least she's trying.'' He reflected. ''Well, don't just sit there. Your breakfast will harden.'' Vanity declared. Prince gobbled the food Vanity had cooked for him, happily. She always felt contentment once she saw him eating. He was a rather petite man, so it was difficult for Vanity not to worry about his health. ''I want to put our little fling behind us. I only want to befriend you. I only want to be thought of us as a friend.'' She fibbed. Prince bobbed his head at her notion. He hardly thought of her anyhow. Moments after their 'talk', Vanity's boredom began to consume her. She shifted her attention towards Prince whom was licking upon the residue that resided on his fingertips. ''We should do something fun today!'' 

Prince grumbled at Vanity's idea. He figured that Vanity wasn't much of an extrovert since she seemed to only spend her days intruding his property. He really didn't want to leave his home anyhow. His depression and guilt wouldn't allow him to have fun even if he decided to. ''We can't leave under these conditions. It is far too sopping to linger around.'' He declared.

Vanity groaned into Marie's pillowcase, she was an extrovert living in a introspective paradise. The way she whined reminded Prince of how Marie would act if she didn't have her way. Prince caressed Vanity's cheeks the way he would with his lover. The affection that Prince showed her caused her to purr in delight. His touch would always calm down Marie and now it was calming his new friend, Vanity.  ''We could always watch a movie.'' Prince persuaded.  


Vanity and Prince coiled their bodies in warm blankets that had just been freshly dried. Their favorite movie 'The Matrix' was commenced to rolling in the background whilst Prince and she slurped their macaroni and cheese.  Marie never enjoyed those types of movie; however Vanity loved a good mystery. ''I could watch this all day.'' Vanity confessed. Vanity was a far different creature than Marie. Although they were alike in many ways, they opposed each other in several others. Vanity is an accepting soul whilst Marie was rather judgmental.  At least Vanity showed she cared to Prince. Marie had hardly acknowledged his the emotional distress he was in. When Marie rushed off of the phone, Vanity would provide a listening ear to Prince. She cooked, cleaned and handled the business affairs of Prince. Marie couldn't do those things for Prince. She was far too young to be engaged with such a loyal man like Prince.   

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