Chapter 2: Paisley Park

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The next day was a very excitable day. It was filled with commotion and robust energy for what was ahead. Richard still couldn't believe he was going to have a job again. He could finally stop relying on Elizabeth for financial support. Richard knows first hand how hard it can be to care for a family. Its a demanding job that a person should never do alone. Richard didn't know what he was more excited about. He didn't have time to reflect upon that. He had to meet Prince in a few hours. Richard darted down the stairs and into the kitchen where Elizabeth and Marie sat. ''Today is the day and I am feeling quite confident!'' Richard exclaimed. He pecked both Elizabeth and Marie's rosy cheeks and sped off into the sun as he made a strong effort not to be tardy. Elizabeth sighed to herself in the kitchen as she raked Richard's breakfast into the garbage. ''That Richard never eats his breakfast.'' Elizabeth muttered. Marie reached into the refrigerator to pour herself a glass of ice, cold milk. She was becoming very parched from all of this commotion.

As usual, Marie waited by the window-seal for her father to barge in with more ''life-changing news''. She sipped upon her glass of milk while Elizabeth sewed her fabrics together.

On the other side of town, Richard pulled into the road just parallel from Paisley Park. Richard had never felt so nervous in his life.
Richard parked his car outside of Prince's home. Before Richard went inside he made it a point to pray to God for his holy spirit. 'God, If you can hear me, Could you please help me today?' Richard gulped and fled from his car. He approached the Paisley Park doors ever so slightly and knocked upon the door. Suddenly, the door began to open.

Inside of the house stood a man five foot, two inches. His hair was in a curled fashion with coils adorning the sides of his head. He wore a yellow jumpsuit that showed every sculptured shape in his body. Prince's light brown eyes made contact with Richard's Blue - Grey eyes. Prince's speaking voice was as thunderous as lightning on a rainy day. When Prince began to speak Richard couldn't believe he sounded this way. 'Come in.' Prince requested. He vacated the path for Richard to walk. Richard couldn't help but scan the home. It was just as beautiful inside as it was outside. Prince proceeded to speak once more. His voice was still rather shocking to Richard. The power of his voice disrupted him each time. 'I've seen your resume and I am highly pleased.' Prince said. He walked into a humongous lavender looking room. This room was Prince's office. It looked as if it had been soaked in a bucket of Purple paint. Every item in the room, including the walls glistened in this singular color. ' Thank you, Mr. Nelson.' Richard replied. He sat down upon a purple - colored sofa as Prince roamed in the office. 'Would you like some candies?' Prince randomly asked. He shoved some of the mauve looking candies into his face. Richard declined the candies; however, Prince insisted upon them. 'Take the candies!' Prince exclaimed. Prince had a temper and he wasn't afraid to use it. Richard partook of the tiny candies that Prince offered. Richard chewed them and couldn't help but to notice how marvelous they tasted. 'These are wonderful, sir!' Prince smirked to Richard who loaded his hands full of these edible wonders. 'Do you want to know where I have gotten them from?' Prince asked. Richard's mouth was too full to respond verbally so he nodded his head in reply. 'Well...It's a trick question.' Prince teased. Richard was very confused by what was heard. He gulped down the last bit of food that resided in his mouth and muttered 'How?'

'I make them myself.' Prince replied. He reached for the glass bowl to taste a piece of his ''home-made candies.'' Richard gushed all over Prince and his candies. Prince looked at Richard in a very displeased manner. 'Please, I don't want to be thought of that way.' Prince proceeded onto asking Richard questions about his working experience. 'Now let's talk about your skills. What can you do?' Richard sat back on the sofa and proceeded to explain. 'I am an assistant, I assist.'

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