Chapter 4: Trust

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In the shower, Marie's mind began rapidly repeating different scenarios from the last hours Prince and she had shared. The hot water trickled from Marie's neck all the way down to her feet. It reminded her of how Prince's kisses felt. She began to miss his company and his tenderness, the notion to call, afterward sparked in her mind. She turned off the shower and proceeded to wrap herself in her fuchsia robe. She tiptoed softly to her room and sat on her bed and searched yesterday's clothing to find an index card with Prince's private number. She knew what she was about to do was wrong; But it was something about Prince that filled Marie's void for something more.  A kind of love she hadn't found in some random boy. It felt authentic this time. Even If she had possibly messed up her life forever, she knew she had the perfect lover by her side to guide her through her wicked bouts of pain.  

A sprung Marie called Prince on the phone hoping for an answer. Prince seemed to be mortified about the ''thing'' that happened earlier;But that didn't stop her. ''Hello?'' Prince greeted. It's me, Marie replied. Marie was far too nervous to even speak. She began to nervously bite her nails as she waited for Prince to reply. ''What is it?'' Prince asked, crawling into his bed with the phone. I shouldn't have done that, Marie said with a following sigh. It's okay. I'm not traumatized, Prince said giggling. 

 ''Prince, Can I tell you something?'' Marie asked, abruptly.  ''I suppose.'' Prince granted. ''I love you.'' Marie said, earnestly. ''What do you mean?'' Prince asked, perplexedly. ''I do,  At least I think I do. '' Marie explained. ''It's okay Marie, I get it.''  ''Do you not believe me?'' Marie asked. I do, it's just kind of sudden after that 'thing' we did, Prince emphasized.  ''I know what we did!'' Marie blurted. ''I don't wanna have to be reminded of each fucking mistake that I have made!'' Marie protested. Marie began to weep once more. She couldn't handle all of the pressure that she was under. All Marie wanted was for her family to accept her for who she is. Prince grew restless of Marie's consistent whining. ''Would you just listen?!'' Prince exclaimed. ''Why!?'' Marie fired. ''I love you too much to take advantage of you!'' Prince proclaimed. ''Why can't you just let me treat you right?'' Prince asked. ''What is right?'' Marie questioned.  ''I want to take you out.  I want to cook for you. I want to hold you. I want to be there for you. I want to be more than just your 'lover'. '' Prince explained. 

She couldn't believe their past friendship had sprouted into something more meaningful. Marie sniffled at the recollection that whisked in her brain. I promised my Aunt that I would never see you again, Marie confessed. ''Oh please, Marie. You couldn't stay away from me if you tired.'' Prince taunted. Prince couldn't see Marie;But he could just tell she was rolling her eyes. My Aunt saw the hickeys and the scratches, Marie revealed.  Prince giggled into the phone. He was an artist in and outside of the 'bedroom', it seemed. ''Did you get into trouble?'' Prince asked, concernedly. Marie sighed into the phone. This was all the response Prince needed. ''Aw, do you want daddy to come pick you up?'' Prince asked, teasingly. Prince was taking an obvious crack at her desires. He was the tantress of the century and Marie knew it. Marie was just about to risk it all again and invite Prince over for a rendezvous;But a promise was a promise in her mind. All of her ponderings were cut short when she felt a sudden shift in her body. She groaned into the phone as this began to happen. Prince could tell that this wasn't one of their 'passionate moments'. ''Are you okay, Marie?'' Prince asked, worriedly. I think that I am just anxious, Marie stated. She laid her head upon her rosé - painted pillows in a fetal position. Prince could hear all of the commotion going on in the background. ''Marie?'' He called out. She groaned in response to his call and that made Prince frightened. ''I don't care what your Aunt says, I have to see you.'' Prince declared. A few more minutes were spent together on the phone until Marie finally ended the call. She sat feeling rather odd inside; however she ignored such symptoms. ''Why do I feel this way?'' Marie pondered, internally. She fell to sleep as soon as she could summon another thought. 

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