Chapter 17: I Don't Trust You

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Marie awoken in a pitched-black setting. Her vision was blurred because of how vigorous the security handled her. A pounding headache graced her brain, as she tried to brace herself upon what felt to be a wall. She shrieked in agony for assistance, however there wasn't a helping hand there. A unexpected voice scrapped down her spine, once she heard the thunderous noise. It was a male from one of the appointed security groups that labored on her floor. She inquired the security of why she had been confined in this room, yet there wasn't a certain answer for her query. She was placed in solitary confinement with absolutely no way out. She was absent from her new confidants, who appreciated and assisted her when it was required. She pondered how she had gotten into this pitched-black setting so suddenly. It was one of her first irate moments her entire time there. The penitentiary was indeed more tolerant of others than her. Why were the guardians being so cold? What could have been the issue? Who could have done this to Marie? That's when her contemplation came to a end. She lifted her head and exhaled to herself. It could have most likely been that Vanity slut. The woman Marie had named 'Skanity'. She chuckled to herself once she remember that Prince abandoned her for that woman. Who did she think she was anyhow? She was nothing, she was nevermore a person to Marie. She was the enemy. The enemy she had to defeat. She just hoped that she would have the chance to defeat Vanity.

Although, it seemed to appear to be Vanity, the evidence pointed to another member. It was a person that she would never guess to be against her and her wishes. That person was Marie's mother, Elizabeth. Elizabeth was tired of Marie pushing her around whilst she resided behind a prison cell. She deliberately planned to keep her child, Wynter away from Prince. She was abusing Elizabeth in ways that couldn't be explained. So she did what any mother and horrified human would do. She fought back. She paid the prison to sustain her in a solitary confinement until she decided that her lesson was learned. 

Elizabeth wasn't very fond of Prince, however she viewed it as essential that he would have a chance to father Wynter himself. She wasn't quite certain if Marie had plans to leave Prince or not. It was those types of decisions that weren't her business. Marie was her child, therefore as any mother would she disciplined her. Marie was very irritated in solitary confinement. They lowered her nourishment to almost none, however when she would ask for paper and writing instruments it was allowed. Marie didn't know it quite yet; but her days spent in solitary confinement would eventually reward her with a promising career. 

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