Chapter 12: Sorry

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The extensive trip home for Vanity was quite woeful, she constantly contemplated on her decision to be Prince's 'confidant' whilst Marie was away. She didn't know Marie; but she couldn't help to become teary eyed over how she must be feeling right now. If only she knew which prison she was routed to. She would have payed her a visit as of now and spill the beans of the terrible awful that she and Prince participated in. If she could gaze into Marie's verdant eyes as of now, she would beg for forgiveness. During her contemplation, she finally arrived to her residency. She parked her car in her driveway and sat sobbing into her steering wheel. 


Vanity lied in her bed silently, she was trying to wrap her head around their encounter. She had only known of his existence for a few days. She could still recall the night of their first meeting. How she wreaked of liquor. How Prince's moist lips replayed in her brain. Each time she fled from his dangerous clutch, she felt herself becoming hollow. She glanced at her telephone, wishing Prince would eventually call. Although it took a while for Prince to call, he ultimately did. Vanity was pleased to hear back from Prince, even if she spent nearly an hour scolding herself in the car.

Vanity: Hello.

Prince: Why did you rush off so soon?

Vanity: I thought you were asleep.

Prince: Why not stay the night?

Vanity: How do you think Marie would feel about this?

Prince: What Marie doesn't know won't hurt her. 

Vanity: What if we get caught?

Prince: Don't worry. Now, I want you to pack your belongings in a suitcase. I need your assistance here in the Paisley Park.

After their phone conversation, Vanity sat upon her ground absolutely floored at Prince's train of thought. She tried to process the weirdness that was going on; but simply she couldn't. She did as she was told and packed most of her clothing into a trunk and headed over to his home again. 


As she sat parked in Prince's driveway again, she started to become nauseous at his idea. Marie could come home and catch them in their act. She noticed that Prince had been waiting for awhile. He was staring out of the windows of the front entrance, awaiting her to come inside. She smiled at him and sat still. She braced herself for the journey of a lifetime. What Marie doesn't know won't hurt her right? She trudged out of her car and up to the front entrance, where Prince already unbolted the door. Prince embraced Vanity once more and convoyed her suitcase to the bedroom. Vanity and Prince had a lot of 'work' to finish. Prince shifted his attention towards Vanity and noticed a somber expression was placed upon her face. ''What is wrong?'' Vanity shook her head in reply to Prince's query. He pecked her lips and lead her into his infamous bedroom. Vanity thought that another encounter would conjure; however she was mistaken. Whilst Vanity was gone, he had one of his assistants retrieve a diamond necklace. It was a gift for her 'efforts' and future efforts. She gracefully accepted his present and sampled it, by attaching the clamps on the necklace around her neck. Prince was very satisfied at how it appeared on Vanity, and so was she. ''I love it.'' She declared. 

Prince gazed at Vanity in satisfaction as he caressed her solid cheeks. How her heart fluttered when Prince touched her. It took only one stroke to fill her body with warmth. Vanity often wondered if Marie felt that way too. She placed a peck on his fingertips in response to his display of affection. Prince wanted to capture this tender moment; however he had something planned for that day. The court system finally allowed visitation for Marie and he was going to do just that. Vanity pouted at this unexpected notion. Why does Marie always come first?

Prince figured that it would be best for Vanity to stay behind at the home. Vanity couldn't do this though, she must identify this mysterious woman that Prince speaks heavenly about. She insisted that she would come along for the trip and that she did. 

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