Chapter 13: Vanity vs. Marie

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The sod surrounded by the endless highway was filled to its brim of untrimmed weeds. Prince and Vanity were on their merry way to visit Marie in the Minnesota prison. As they arrived, Prince gulped at the moments that were ahead. He was escorted in by his chauffeur into the lion's din, as most would have described this trip. He hadn't spoken with Marie in awhile so he was quite apprehensive to spark up a conversation with her. He wasn't just worried about that; but he was also worried about how Marie and Vanity would encounter each other. He hoped for tangibility as he linked eye contact with her. 

Marie sauntered into the cubical as Prince gazed her down. Her blonde hair seemed to be a dirtier version than previously. She sat upon the chair that was provided by the prison and cleared her throat to speak. She was, however ceased by Vanity whom trudged through the opening of the particular section. Marie's expression began to leak confusion. She cocked her head to Prince and demanded for him to introduce his new confidant. Marie scuffed at the sight of Vanity. She could tell that there was much more than friendship going on between them. She often pondered if Prince wasn't calling her because of the current woman in his life. Prince could feel his heart palpitating from the rising tension in the room. If only Marie wasn't behind that confined box. It would be scuffle going on and nothing more of that. 

Marie fixated her gaze upon Vanity's fretful expression. She felt her emotions consuming her soul. She shifted her attention towards Prince's eyes that were screaming with guilt. She demanded that Vanity would speak first. She was going to get the bottom of this mess. Vanity greeted Marie over the phone. Vanity could tell that Marie was hurt over her sudden appearance. Oh, how the culpability brought her confidence down. 

Marie: ''Who are you?''

Vanity: ''I am Vanity.''

Marie: ''Who are YOU?!''

Vanity: ''I am just a friend.''

Marie: ''Don't play with me!''

Vanity: ''I am being serious.''

Vanity's heart began to sink in her stomach. Marie knew what she had been doing and this adolescent lady wasn't bantering. 

Marie: ''I know what you have been doing.''

Vanity: ''What do you mean?''

Marie: ''Did it feel good?''

Vanity: ''Did what feel good?''

Marie: ''Did he feel good on your skin?''

Vanity: ''We have never had a encounter.''

Marie: ''Do not lie to me, slut!''

Vanity: ''Why are you being so rude to me?''

Marie: ''I know you have been screwing my fiancee the entire time!''

Vanity: ''I would never!''

Marie: ''Did he bother to mention our child to you?''

Vanity: ''I am SORRY!'' 

Marie: ''That's okay, Vanity. You can have Prince for right now because when I get out of this prison. It is going to me verses you and there is nothing you can do about it.''

Vanity hurled the telephone at the plexi-glassed window and stomped out of the area. Prince's expression was priceless at the encounter that just occurred. Marie's eyes shifted to Prince and began to fill with tears. She shook her head at him in disgust and stumped out of her cubical. 

Prince stood in his lonesome trying to piece together that recent moment. What did Marie mean? Why is she saying these things? He tried to walk; however his feet wouldn't let him. He knew that this was all of his fault. He trudged to the plexi-glassed view and slid his hand across the markings that the telephone made. A tear slipped down his cheek. He was all to blame and he knew it. He desperately wanted to blame Vanity for her forthcoming but he couldn't. If he hadn't of kissed those lips of Vanity or went to that god forsaken club none of these awful things would have happened. 

Prince couldn't sustain his agony. He struck the window with his fist and scream. He professed at the top of his lungs his fondness for little Marie. Marie could hear the ruckus transpiring from her cell. She could also hear the security sprinting in his direction and escorting him violently out of the prison. 

It made Marie very despondent. If only Prince hadn't have been untrue. It was then she knew that she had to teach him a lesson. 

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