Chapter 1: Fight and Flight

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I drag my feet. I really don't want to go home tonight. But I have to.

I'm adopted. I lost my real parents when I was 6. Now 10 years later, I live with the Ricks. Mr. Ricks is super nice. The only problem is Mrs. Ricks. She hates me, mostly because of my wings.

Normally, I hide them in tattoo form. But sometimes they slip out. Mrs. Ricks thinks I'm a freak and I'm starting to think she's right.

'No you're not a freak, you're an angel,' I think to myself. I look over at my right hand. 16 lines lay on my tan skin. They're pure white compared to my natural tan. I pull my sleeves over my hands and go inside. All 16 of those lines I got from the crash.

The second I walk inside, an angry breath hits my face. I see Mrs. Ricks glaring at me. She grabs my shoulders and her nails dig into my skin through my shirt.

"Where were you, Bitch?" she shouts.

"I was with a friend," I say, meekly.

"Ha! Freaks like you don't have friends."

"I'M NOT A FREAK!" I yell at her.

"Yes, you are," she says and slaps me.

The force pushes me into the table near me. A vase breaks and the sharp pieces dig into my hands. Blood runs over them in a heart beat.

I race up to my room, clutching my hand. The second I'm inside my room, I look the door. Then I head to window and push it open. There is a tiny ledge under the window and I step out onto it. I pull off my dark blue long-sleeved shirt and throw it inside and close the window, leaving me with my white tank-top on. I pull myself onto the roof.

The wind brushes my bare shoulders. I close my eyes and my wings to spread. They peel off my skin and spread to their full length. The cold fall breeze ruffles their blue-gray feathers. I can't resist the urge to soar in the sky.

In my mind, I picture my skin becoming metal, protecting me from the pain and darkness around me. I feel the cool touch as a second skin of a sort runs over my skin. 

I step off the roof, falling only for a second.

I shoot upward into the sky. Up here, I'm free from everything that holds me back in my life. I fly towards my only friend's house, Casey Jones's house.

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