Chapter 5: The Turtles

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I wake up to loud voices. My eyes refuse to open-

"You sure have a talent on picking friends Jones."

Jones. As in Casey?

"This wouldn't have happened if  you had just listened to me and stayed away."

What happened? Oh, that's right. I almost bled to death.

Apparently my nails are sharper then I thought.

I'm an idiot. Why would I try to do something like that? Oh, I remember. 

I open my eyes and sit up, knocking heads with a turtle wearing a purple mask. His big brown eyes remind me of my mom's, but I brush the thought away. 

"Oh like you're one to talk," a voice that I don't recognize yells.

"Raph, Jenny has been my best friend since I was 6. She's practically family to me. She's also had a very hard life, and she doesn't need you making it worst," Casey shouts and comes over to me. He sees me sitting up and hugs me.

"Jenny, I'm so sorry, I should have told you about the turtles," he says.

I smile and hug him back, "To be fair, I probably wouldn't have believed you."

Casey pulls back with a grin, "Says the girl with wings."

I grin back, "Touché."

I look over his shoulder and see three more turtles. Each one with a different colored mask.

The orange mask looks like the youngest. Goofy, and probably immature. But in a cute way. 

'Just like May,' I think. 

The red mask looks like the second oldest. Angry, reckless, and hard-headed. But loyal to his brothers. 

'Like my dad.'

The purple mask is the kid before the youngest. Intelligent, sarcastic, and a little nerdy. Just like my mom. 

'She was so smart and she and my dad kept me and May laughing.' 

My heart speeds up when I meet the eyes behind the blue mask. Staring at me, are the same eyes from before. The ones that saved me. He's the oldest and the leader of the bunch for sure. 

Said turtle notices me looking  and smiles. "Good to see you awake."

I smiled. At the same time I fight against the heat that creeps up my neck and up to cheeks.

If he notices my internal struggle he didn't say anything. "I'm Leo."

Leo points at the Red Mask who gives me a brief nod and a grunt. "This is my brother Raph,"

He points at the Purple mask, who gives me an awkward smile and wave. "That's Donnie."

Leo points to the orange mask who gives me a wild grin and a huge wave. "And that's Mikey."

I smile at each, "You can call me Jenny."

I knew that there is an elephant in the room. Cough 'my wings' cough.

"If someone wants to ask, just ask."

Before I can blink Mikey runs forward and gently pokes my wings, "So cool! Are they real? Where did you get them?"

He suddenly backs up with a suspicious look on his face, "Waaait. How do we know you weren't mutated by the krrang like Tiger Claw?"

My head cocks to the side. Yeah yeah I know. A lot like a bird. "Who? "

"Guys, she doesn't know about Tiger Claw or Shredder. Trust me, I would know if she did," Casey says. 

"Um, I'm sitting right here," I say folding my arms over my chest. 

Raph raises an eyebrow at me.

"Whatever, short stuff," he says and walks off.

Donnie and Casey are arguing over something to do with me, right next to me. 

I rub my forehead to ward off the migraine forming there.

-Time Skip-

I try to sleep, but with no avail. After the events of today, my thoughts are rioting in my head. I let out a groan and get up. 

Seeing that I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon, I walk to the living room and see a figure sitting on the couch and freeze.

"Can sleep either?" Leo's voice asks from the couch. 

"I guess. Thanks for letting me stay in your room," I say, still frozen by in the hall. 

"No problem. So, what are you up to?" he asks.

"Well, nothing."

"Would, er um, like to watch Space Heroes with me?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. He's still facing the TV, but in the faint light I can see the blush on his cheeks.

"I'd love to. How did you know it was my favorite show?" I ask, jumping over the back of the couch. 

"No way, you like it too?" he asks, surprised.

I nod my head and move closer to Leo. Soon a scary monster shows up, and I scream and bury my head in Leo's shoulder. 

(Leo's POV)

I feel Jenny bury her head into my shoulder, shaking. I feel my cheeks go red. Man, I have to stop doing that. She'll notice and find out I like her. And then I'll be alone, again.

I look at her. She's so beautiful, and I'm just a filthy mutant. Her bright blue eyes shine in the soft light from the TV. How could a girl like her ever like a turtle like me? I guess I know how Donnie feels around April some times.

Jenny screams again and I put my arm around her, pulling her into my plastron. She lets out a soft sigh and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. A piece of her chocolate hair is in her face and I can't help but brush it behind her ear. 

"Thanks, Leo," she says and falls asleep.

I yawn and stretch out, pulling Jenny on top of me. I take off my mask and go to sleep myself. Who knew saving one of Casey's friends would lead to this.  

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