Chapter 4: The Leader

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I land on the boardwalk. I sit at the end and wrap my wings around me. I lean my head against my knees and let my tears fall. 

My tears turn into sobs. I look up, towards the stars and all I can think about is all the things I've ever lost. My parents, my home, and now my only friend.

I look down at my wrists and run my sharp nails along them, enjoying the feeling of the blood running away from the cuts. The physical pain numbs my emotional pain.

I couldn't help but scoff at a thought. I guess I'm not completely alone. Pain has been my companion for long as I can remember. It's always shadowed me. When my parents were killed, when I was forced from my home. And now, when I lost my friend.

I was with my oldest friend, now.


I start to see black spots dance in front of my eyes. Finally, a way out of the pain that is my life. I may be angel but I can't take it any more.

I stand up, swaying slightly, as I get ready to jump into the water. Just as I jump, someone catches me around the waist and pulls me back onto the boardwalk. 

I scream and kick, but the guy's grip is like a bear's. I turn and try to scratch him, but he dodges my hands and catches them in one of his. I try to bite him, but I miss. Finally, I just give up and hope that the blood from my arms finishes me off.

A voice breaks through the veil of nearing unconsciousness.

"Stay with me."

Who said that? It didn't sound like Casey.

"Hey hey hey, stay with me. You're going to be okay. I promise,"

I remember my mother saying that we each have a guardian in our lives. They've been known to take many forms. Was this my guardian? I try to open my eyes, but I feel like I'm swimming in oil. I fight it and open my eyes. I'm looking up into a pair of ocean blue eyes. They have this look in them, as if they were leading me back.

"Come on! Keep your eyes open."

I'm trying. I can't win this one. My eyes close.


Casey? Is that him? Oh god, no please don't let him see me like this. He'd freak at my arms. I told him I didn't cut at all.

"Donnie, help me get her back."

'Casey I'm so sorry,' I think. I'm losing the fight with death. How funny. Just two seconds ago, I welcomed it. Now I'm fighting it with all my might.

It was then that I lost full and complete consciousness.

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