Chapter 11: Who's Karai?

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(Jenny's POV)

It's been a week since Leo gave me the bracelet and since we became 'official'. I have never been more happy in my life. But there's something at the back of my mind that has been nagging me. In the dojo there's a picture of human Splinter and his dead wife and daughter. On multiple occasions I've seen both Splinter and Leo looking at the picture.

While Splinter looks at everyone in the picture, Leo focuses on Splinter's daughter.


I'm not jealous. Splinter's daughter is dead.


"Hey, Snoogie, what are you looking at?" I ask Leo, using my pet name for him as he stares at the picture again.

"Huh, oh its nothing," he says and walks away.

He is lying to me. I should have told him that no one can lie to me. I hate being lied to. I follow Leo out into the main room.

"Leo, tell me the truth," I say, trying to keep an edge out of my voice.  

"I did. Its nothing,"

"I'll let you in on a secret. I know when someone is lying to me. So just tell me the truth already," I say, my voice filled with anger.

"Fine, if want to know so badly. I fell in love with Splinter's daughter. She got mutated into a snake who can shape shift into a human. Are you happy now?!" Leo shouts at me. I reel back at the venom in his voice.

"Yeah," I say and get up. Just before I leave the lair, I pull off the bracelet and throw it at Leo. He catches it easily. He looks at it in his hand.

"Here, if you love her so much, then give that to her, not me," I shout and run away, tears running down my face.

"Jenny, wait!" Leo calls but I don't listen. I just keep running.

I reach the surface and go home. Mrs.Ricks doesn't even look up from her newspaper as I pass. She knows I'm upset already, and doesn't see the need to make it worst.

I slam the door to my room and slide down it, sobbing. I can't believe the guy I love, who saved my life, loves someone else. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. I look up, scared, of who ever it is.

Its a young woman with long blonde hair and chocolate eyes. She has a glow around her and I can't help but trust her.

"Jenny, please come with me," The woman says and I do just that.

We go to the roof and the woman sits next to me. She changes form, becoming smaller and younger, until I recognize her.

My little sister, in the form of a 5 year-old, is sitting next to me with her own wings laying against her back. I feel fresh tears roll down my cheeks, only these are tears of joy.

"May!" I say and crushing her in a hug, which she returns.

"Jenny, I know your upset with Leo but Karai is his sister. He misses her because neither him or his family knows where she is. They want their sister back. Yes, Leo did have a crush on her once, but that was before he found out that she was his sister. Jenny, Leo needs you. You two met for a reason, and I hope you two see that from now on," May says and then fades away.

"May!" I cry out and reach of my sister. My hand goes right through her. I feel her loss hit me in the chest once more.

A hand touches my shoulder and I look up into Leo's eyes. He smiles and I stand. We hug and he puts the bracelet, no my bracelet, back on my wrist.

"Leo, can we dance? Right here, right now?" I ask and he nods. I pull out my phone scroll through my songs, looking for one. I find it and put it on.

(Play the song)

"Really?" Leo says, raising an eyebrow.

"It fits us," I say and kiss him, long and passionate. 

I feel something brush my wrist and look down to see another charm on the bracelet. It's a pair of  angels hugging with two letters carved on them. One was 'M' and the other is a 'J'. I know exactly who gave it to me.

My little sister guardian angel who is always at my side.

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