Chapter 9: First Fight

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Leo and I spent an hour or so chasing each other via rooftop. It was the most fun I've had in months. At the moment, he was it.

I hear crashes from below and quickly land on the rooftop below me. I tuck my wings away so I won't be noticed. It looks like a bunch of gangbangers. Question is... What are they doing?

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Gotcha!"

I quickly grab Leo's wrist and pull him down before they notice him.

I look at him through the corner of my eye. "You know these guys?"

Leo looks down in the alley way where the gangbangers are picking the lock to the door.

"Yeah. They're the purple dragons. No one important."

Once again, an impulsive feeling too powerful to deny runs through me.

"So then we can take them."

As I stand up, Leo grabs my wrist and stands up. "I can take them. You're going back to the lair."

I smirk. "You forget, I have wings."

To emphasize, I unfurl my wings and take off before nose diving for the glass roof.

Just before I hit, I will my skin to become metal. The glass shatters and I land in a couch. I raise my head and smile at the purple dragons.

"I hope you like getting your butts kicked," I say and charge at them.

I use my wings to flip backwards, one of the goon's chin meets my boots. I hit one in the head with my wings. I can't turn around fast enough when one comes up behind me.

Luckily I don't have to.

Leo drops down on the guy's head, knocking him out.

I send him a quick smile. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome, Angel," He says.

Soon the Dragons are tied up all nice and tight. Leo and I head to the roof, where he glares at me.

"That was reckless and stupid," he says sharply.

I smash my lips against his to stop him. He gets this dreamy look on his face and stops talking.

"Oh, would you stop talking for a while?" I say, smiling on the inside at the look on his face.

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