Chapter 8: Helping

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(Jenny's POV)

A few days after Donnie and I talked, I hear a clanking sound coming from the lab. I head out of my room. Its the guest room. I follow my ears and find Donnie working on the Shellrazer. I spy his legs sticking out from under it.

"Hey, Donnie. What's up?"  I ask.

"Nothing. Its just the Shellrazer keeps making this weird sound and I can't find out what's doing it," he says, pushing himself out from under the truck. 

"Can I try?" I ask.

"Give it a shot. I'm stumped," 

He moves and I start looking over the truck. I turn it on and hear the clanking  sound from before. I smile and look towards Donnie. 

"You need to refill the oil and it wouldn't hurt to change it ether," I say.

"Thanks so much. Where'd you learn how to tell that oil was low on a car?" He asks.

"My dad showed me how to when I was four," I say, quickly braiding my hair and starting to work on the oil. 

In no time, the Shellrazer is fixed and sounds much better. I look around the lab and spy a few old toys that could use some work. I tap Donnie on the shoulder and point at the toys.

"Oh, those. They're Mikey's and I'm not the greatest person for the job, given my hands," he says holding up his bulky three finger hands.

"I can do it, if you want," I say.

"You would? Mikey would love to have those back," Donnie says. I go and wash my hands and snag the toys. I head to my room and grab my craft bag. Its a rolling suitcase full of yarn, thread, needles,  crochet hooks, patterns, and scissors. 

I head to the dojo and sit with my back against the big tree in there. I pick out an old orange teddy bear. I look over it and go and get some cleaning stuff and water from the kitchen. I sew up the holes and then gently scrub at the dull orange fur. After an hour its looks brand new, its bright orange fur soft and clean again.

I pick up the next toy. Its another teddy bear, only this one is red. I smile at the fact that its probably Raph's. For such a tough guy, he is so sweet sometimes. I set to work and soon its finished. In no time all of them are finished.

"Donnie, I can't believe you let her fix our bears," Raph's voice says from outside the dojo. I stand up and stretch out my sore muscles. 

"Raph, she was really happy to do it. She looked kinda bored, doing nothing. So I let her," Donnie says, and comes in with Raph. 

"I'm guessing this one is yours, Raph?" I say, holding out the red bear. 

"Mr. Fluffy! He looks brand new. Thanks, sis," Raph says, taking the bear.

I hand Donnie the purple one and his face lights up. His was the most damaged out of all of them. It was missing quite a bit of fur and the rest burnt off, so I used some of my fabric that matched to fix it. 

"Dr. Bear! He looks great. Thank you so much, sister," Donnie says hugging me tightly.

"Well, I'd better get these back to their owners as well," I say, picking up the orange bear and the blue bear.  

I head to the kitchen, and find Mikey cooking. I tap him on the shoulder and he turns to face me, smiling, as usual. 

"Mikey, I think this is yours. I fixed up your bear! I hope you like it," I say, holding out the bear.

"Mr. Paddington! I can't believe you've come back to me! You look awesome!" He snatches the bear from my hands and hugs it tightly to his plastron.

"I have one more bear left, any idea where I can find Leo?" I ask cautiously.

"Um..check the sewers! He hangs out there sometimes, for some weird reason," Mikey says only half paying attention as he coddles his teddy bear. After finishing his statement he turns away puts the bear on his shoulder so he can return to cooking.

I head out in the direction of the sewers and begin wandering in search of the blue masked turtle. I purposefully avoid the dead end from my last excursion into the sewers and head the opposite way. As I wander in the direction I hope I will find Leo I try to rationalize away my fear of him. After all, the only thing he did was reach his hand forward. I probably was just overreacting. Plus, Donnie, Raph and Mikey would definitely throw some punches if Leo tried to hurt me in any way. And, I always have my metal skin and wings to defend me as well.

After what seems like an eternity wandering I see the lights of an old subway station. Hoping that I could find Leo there  I move forward. Lo and behold he's there. He looks up from a picture in his hands and faces me before I have even crossed half of the distance between us. I let out a nervous laugh and in the brief moment between us he hides the picture behind his back - or would that be shell?

"Hi, Leo," I say waving my hand.

"Hi, Jenny." His voice is brisk and with an undertone of sadness.

"I have something for you," I say holding out his bear. His eyes widen in surprise and as he rushes forward the picture he was holding flutters to the ground.

"Snuggles!" He cries and takes the bear from my hands, nearly destroying it all over again in the process. I roll my eyes softly, it's no wonder all of those bears were in awful conditions.

"Did you fix him?" He demands disbelieving, hiding the bear behind his back in an attempt to hide the fact that he just called it 'snuggles.'

"Yeah, and I fixed Raph's and MIkey's and Donnie's bears too." He is looking at me curiously so I ramble on, "I was just bored."

"Huh. well cool! Thanks, Angel!" he barely gets the last word out before his hand raises to cover his mouth. "Jen! I meant Jen! I don't know where the other word came from."

As he continues making excuses it is all I can do to keep myself upright and not in hysterics on the floor. While he continues making excuses I suddenly realize how ridiculous my fears have been. I was honestly scared of this? This sweet, innocent, strange but wonderful turtle with blue eyes? The turtle that had saved me? Standing up straighter I decide to do something either really stupid or really brave. I dart forward and place my lips unexpectedly against Leo's, finally stopping his stuttering.

"You worry too much, snoogie," I say when I pull away.

I had to admit, he was pretty cute when he was stuttering. Acting on impulse, I turned around and walked away. I was at the entrance to the lair when Leo was finally able to form a decent sentence.

"Wait,,,, snoogie?!?!?"

I covered my mouth with my hand to cover my laugher before unfurling my wings and flying away. Knowing very well that Leo was close behind.

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