Chapter 7: Another Chance at Home

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(Jenny's POV)

I run down deeper into the sewers, my tears rushing down my face. Every time I blink, I see Leo's hand reaching over to hit me. I barely know him and He already hates me. I can't believe it. But, Its not a first. 

I reach a dead end and sit down. I unleash my wings and wrap them around my body. I sob into my knees and my thoughts once more fill with ending my life. Right now, in a filthy sewer, where no one will find my body. Sounds good.

I stand and look at my wrists. Their covered with bandages, which I rip off. I think about my sister, my mom, and my dad. I look at the 16 lines I got from the car crash that took my family from me. I can see May's brown eyes, her blonde hair in her face, laughing at a joke Dad just told. Then I blink, and my sister is gone. But I see a different pair of brown eyes instead.

#####(Donnie's POV)#####

I let out sigh and head to the dead end where I normally test out new inventions. I have an RC car I've been dying to try out tuck under one arm, the remote in the other. I'm getting close, when I hear it. Crying and the soft sound of feathers rustling coming from the dead end. I peek around the corner and see Jenny standing there, tearing off the bandages on her wrists. Her wings are out and wrapped around her.  

Her eyes are closed and she is whispering something over and over again. I see her raise her hand , ready to slash her wrists. I dart forward and catch her hand in one of mine. She opens her bright blue eyes and looks into my brown ones. She doesn't move for a second, but soon her head is buried into my plastron. I wrap my arms around her, just like I do with Mikey when he needs a hug. 

"Donnie, thank you so much for finding me when you did," she says, still sobbing into my plastron.

"Any time, Jenny. Do you mind if I ask what you were crying about?" I ask, softly.

"My little sister, May. She was only a year old and I lost her in the wreck. I miss her so much. She was such a handful some times, but she was always smiling at everything. My Dad said she was born smiling," she says, laughing at the end. But she cries more.

'What can I say? What would April say? What would Glorie say? She would say she could be her sister, if Jenny wanted her to.' I think, my thoughts filling with the strawberry-blonde with the miss matched eyes. One pale blue, the other hazel. I feel my own eyes filling with tears. I wipe them away and look upward. There on the ceiling, is a painting of me, when I was little. I shake my head to clear my thoughts of that 9-year old girl who was my very first kiss. I look down at the 16-year old girl in my arms and clear my throat.

"I can't imagine a world where I didn't have my brothers at my sides. I don't how I would survive, but I know I'd have people that cared for me. Jenny, you can call me and my brothers your brothers. We can be your family, if you want," I say.

"I would like that very much, Brother," she says, looking up to me.

"Any time, little sister," I say, teasing.

"Hey, I'm not that short," she says, sticking out her tongue at me. 

"To me, you are, " I say and take off running towards the lair. I glance back after a little while and see my new sister hot on my heels, laughing. 

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