Chapter 12: Chomp

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(Jenny's POV)

A few weeks after the would-be break up between me and Leo, I find myself patrolling the city with the turtles.

But something feels off.

And I'm not talking about Mikey making odd jokes weird.

As in fishy weird. I glance at Leo and take his hand. He looks at me curiously before squeezing my hand.

"You okay?"

I look out into the city before looking back at Leo.

"Something doesn't feel right."

Leo's eyes narrow. "What do you mean?"

"Something feels-"

I notice a hulking black shape hurtle itself at Leo.


"Take it easy. Its just Slash. He's a friend of Raph's," Leo says and smiles at the shape.

"Hey, pipsqueak," comes a deep, rumbling voice. Even though Leo told me Slash is a friend of Raph's, I find myself unconsciously scooting closer to Leo as he comes into view. Slash is gigantic, I mean, he is at least seven feet tall, with a shell that could probably crush me if he moved the wrong way. Said shell is covered with spikes at the top.

"Hey, Slash," Leo says warily.

"Who's your little girlfriend?" Slash looks down at me with curious, but teasing eyes.
I look back up at him, defiantly.

"I'm not that short, for the last time! Just because you are a freaking giant does not automatically lessen my height." I glare up at him. He replies with a booming laugh.

"So, tiny, why are your wings so dark?" I look at my wings, the blue black color freaks even me out sometimes...but here he comes judging me instantly on my wings?! I won't stand for it.

"Excuse me. If you want to mess with me, I will pound you into the sun. Never judge my wings again."

I make sure to glare into his eyes with enough force to potentially melt the guy into a puddle of goo.

"Sweetheart, nobody can pound me. Not even your boyfriend." I look at him innocently and then launch myself at him. I almost make contact before Raph reaches me and yanks me back. He does his best to restrain me and speak at the same time:

"Slash, I'm sorry about that. You want to come on back to the lair and hang out?"

"Sure man! I'd love to."

Back at the lair I cannot help but think about what he had said to me. Tears start in the corners of my eyes every time I think on it. Slash tries to put his arm on my shoulder and apologize, but I push him away.

"I'm going to bed guys," I say and trudge my way towards my bedroom.

I throw myself onto my pillow the second the door is closed and begin bawling. Are my wings really that dark? Am I really not scary?

Through the hole in the door I see a pool of light. Raph kicked the bottom of the door in once and nobody had gotten around to fixing it yet. Suddenly the pool of light is interrupted by a spiky small shape. Thinking it is Slash I freak out and toss a pillow at it. The purple alien turtle flies out of the way and lands on the bed. Chomp is....well, chomp. He crawls up onto my chest and I look at him. He is just so cute! I tell him everything that happened and he nods as if he understands.

(Leo's POV)

I peek around the corner and seeing no one around I quietly open the door to Jenny's room. Inside I find her asleep on her bed with a purple shape on her chest. I freak out thinking it is a monster, but as I get closer I realize it is just Chomp. What's he doing in here? Raph usually keeps him in his room. But I realize that he makes Jenny happy, and I snap a quick picture of their adorable, combined cuteness.

I kiss Jenny, whisper a quick "goodnight, Angel," and close the door behind me.

I find Raph waiting for me, ready to storm her room. I put my hand on his shoulder and shake me head.

"No, Raph. She needs Chomp's company right now."

"Aren't you her boyfriend? You should be in there, not Chompy."

I shake my head at my brother and say, "You're weird, Raph. Now let's go get in some training." He slowly shrugs his shoulders and follows me, after one more quick glance of longing at Jenny's door.

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