Living in the Past

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*The next morning*

Jesse was, yet again, pacing around in the living room. He just couldn't think straight, he had a very bad feeling about that day for some reason. He tried to think about why he had this bad feeling, but he couldn't think of anything. He huffed in annoyance with himself.

"Gahh, what's wrong with me!?" Jesse asked himself.
"Maybe you're crazy." Magnus said coming out of seemingly nowhere, scaring Jesse half to death.
"Holy crap!" Jesse screamed, stumbling backwards and falling on his butt.
"Hahaha, baby!" Magnus teased. Soren came out from behind him, standing quietly and looking at the ground.
"Oh shut up jerk." Jesse said angrily.
"What did you just say small fry!?" Magnus challenged. Jesse wasn't in the mood to get into it that early in the morning, so he tried to retreat.
"...nothing..." Jesse said wanting to leave it at that, but Magnus teased onwards, not caring one bit.
"A little louder shortly, afraid I can't hear you from all the way down there!" Magnus teased, a mischievous grin spread across his face.
"..." Jesse really wasn't in the mood for his crap, so he turned to leave but was stopped when Magnus stepped infront of him.
"I said, a little louder Jesse, oh and while you're at it you can also apologize to me, baby!" Magnus said laughing, he just wanted to pick on him a little, but Jesse was not in the mood to take it. And before Jesse knew it, he raised his hand back and whipped it straight across Magnus's face, the sound of skin contacting skin echoed throughout the halls. Magnus, being caught off guard, fell to the ground cradling his abused cheek. He and Jesse stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Soren stood there, not sure what to do, but before he could think to say anything Jesse walked out of the room.

*Later that morning*

"Magnus, why is your cheek swollen?" Ellegaard asked upon seeing the dark red print on his face. Magnus said nothing, and now everyone was curious.
'Ellie, why did you have to say that?!" Magnus thought angrily.
"Well?" Ivor said looking amused.
"...I fell." Magnus lied trying to get out of the situation.
"Jesse smacked him." Soren said. Magnus glared daggers at him, "What the heck Soren!?"Magnus yelled getting embarrassed.
"Aww, did the brat get in trouble?" Ellegaard laughed, she loved how ironic it was.
"..." Magnus was too embarrassed to think of any comebacks, which made Ellegaard keep going.
"What did you do to make him finally give you what you deserved?" She teased. Magnus wanted to insult her back so he would at least be defending himself, at least he wouldn't just be sitting there, but he still couldn't bring himself to say anything.
"Are you okay Magnus?" Olivia asked, she had seen Jesse leave bruises on people before and she wanted to see how bad it really was.
Magnus still didn't speak, but he got up and walked out the front door.
Magnus walked far into the forest towards nowhere. He kept thinking of what had happened, replaying it over and over in his head. Magnus knew he wasn't the smartest person in the world, but if he happened to forget, you could bet all you owned that Ellie would remind him. Magnus remembered how it used to be when they were just kids. He remembered how it all was when they all first met.


In a forest called Blackburn, a little boy sits on a log waiting for his parents. He had been waiting there for most of the day, and he couldn't remember which direction they had walked in when they left, so he sat and waited.

"Hey, who are you?" A little orange haired boy asked, coming out of nowhere. A whole group of children came out of the forest behind the orange haired boy.
"...Magnus." He answered reluctantly.
"Oh I'm Soren," said the little boy with a smile, "this is Gabriel *points to a boy with a wooden sword*, this is Ellie * points to the only girl in the group*, and this is Ivor *pointing to the boy reading a book."
"Um, hi..." Magnus said unsure of himself.
"Why are you out here? It's going to get dark soon." Soren said.
"I'm waiting for them to come back..." Magnus said, he wondered why they hadn't gotten him yet.
"Waiting for who?" The girl, Ellie, asked.
" parents..." Magnus said looking down.
"" Soren muttered. All of the kids were staring at Magnus, to be honest, it scared him.
"Magnus, I, um, don't think they're coming back..." Soren explained sadly. Magnus knew his parents didn't want him, but he didn't think they would just abandon him.
"I know." Magnus whispered, too soft to be heard.
"Hey, you could come with us, we have an awesome bunker and it has plenty of space, then we could try to find your parents." Gabriel suggested.
"...sure, but they aren't coming back..." Magnus said.
"Hey, maybe they will, you don't know!" Ellie tried to convince.
"My parents haven't wanted me for a long time, they aren't coming back." Magnus explained sadly.
"Oh...Well, in that case you can stay with us!" Soren said trying to lighten the mood.
"You'll get tired of me too...I'm too much trouble." Magnus said, remembering what his parents said.
"We all are." Said the quiet boy, Ivor.

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