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Jesse slowly awoke on steaming hot stone, letting out a tiny groan of pain was all he was capable of. Everywhere on his body was giving him immense pain, especially his feet. He weakly lifted himself up onto his elbows and looked down to his feet, but his feet weren't there. Jesse stared at the spot for a very long time, and then he screamed.
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Jesse screamed at the top of his lungs.
His arms finally gave out and he fell back to the floor in exhaustion, all he could do was cry. He didn't know how long he had been crying before Herobrine had come into the room, but he was panting and his vision was blurry with tears.
"Hello pet, it's time for today's session." Herobrine said with a grin.
Jesse bursted out into another fit of tears as Herobrine lifted his body up and over his shoulder.
"I love it when you cry." Herobrine said happily, making Jesse cry harder.
"" Jesse whimpered softy through his sobs.
"Oh yes! I just got some new tools from my mobs, wanna see?" Herobrine asked walking over to a set of doors.
He walked through the doors a showed Jesse the most horrifying scene. Monsters respawn in this room, dead monster ghosts are delivered here and come back. Over and over again, millions of monsters respawn and go back out into the world.

Jesse hung his head down, finally giving up. Herobrines body shook slightly from a silent laugh as he walked to the torture room, hung Jesse up and went to see his new tools. Jesse hung limp in the chains, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Hey princess." May said beside him, scaring Jesse.
"W-what?" Jesse asked flabbergasted.
"Stop being so pathetic dude! I have a plan." May said, she was also hung up by chains and bloody, but it didn't look like she cared.
"What is it about?" Jesse asked hopefully.
"We can get out of here! But you have to do exactly as I say, got it?" May said with a glare.
Jesse thought for a second, what was the worst that could happen? He nodded his head yes.
"Okay, when he comes back in here you need to get through the torture. When he's finished hell drop you to the ground, now when he does that you have to wait until he starts torturing me. When he starts you have to grab the keys of the table, then he'll leave us in here for awhile so you have to unlock my bonds quickly. Got it?" May explained quickly and quietly.

Jesse nodded his head just as Herobrine entered the room swiftly. He looked at them with an evil grin as he picked up his favorite toy, the whip. He walked over to Jesse and lifted the whip, the whip cut into Jesses skin over and over again. Jesse was trying his best not to scream, but the pain was overwhelming and his bloodcurdling screams were all that were heard for hours. Finally the lashes stopped and Jesse was dropped to the ground. It took Jesse a few minutes to gain control of his vision and movements, the room spun and he could only fall over. Finally he remembered the plan and snatched the keys off the table, falling back to the floor in pain. Soon Mays torture was over, she hadn't made a sound the entire time, which was odd.
"There, now both of you can bond." Herobrine said, laughing.
"Screw off..." May mumbled.
"Not a chance." Herobrine said, walking out.

They waited a good few minutes before Jesse got up and dragged himself over, and unlocked May from her bonds. She landed on her feet, which was strange, considering that she was covered in cuts and blood. May helped Jesse onto her back and they made their way out of the room using the keys.
"Dude, which way?" May asked Jesse, looking down five different hallways.
"Uhh, maybe that one?" Jesse said, pointing to the middle one.
"Okay, we'll try that one." May said with a huff.
They continued down the hallway for a short while, but it was a dead end.
"What? How is this possible?" Jesse said in awe.
"Crap, he knows." May said in anger.
"Yes, yes I do." They turned around and were face to face Herobrine.
"Crap." May sighed.
"Did you really think you could get away? I hope not, that would be very stupid." Herobrine said with a blank face.
"...I wanna go home..." Jesse said quietly.
"Not until Ivor returns to me." Herobrine said, teleporting them to the prison.

Herobrine dragged the two down a long hallway, passing millions of dead humans and mobs. Soon they stopped at an open cell door, Herobrine threw them in and slammed the door close.
"Goodnight kiddies." He said, walking out of the prison.
"Well this sucks." May huffed, kicking the door lightly.
"Yeah..." Jesse mumbled.
"Got any bright ideas Jesse?" May asked, sending a glare towards him.
"Jesse?" A different voice said from the next cell over.
"Um, hello?" Jesse said warily.
A man with black hair and purple eyes came into the light.
"Hello Jesse. Remember me? It's me Micheal!" The man laughed.
Jesse was frozen with terror, shaking so hard his vision was blurry.
"What? Aren't we still friends?" Micheal started laughing hysterically.
Jesse threw up...all over himself.

*Back to the Order*

The Order, and Lukas, were still on horses. All of them were still complaining, and Ivor and Petra were getting angry.
"Are we there yet?" Gabriel groaned.
"NO, NO WE AREN'T THERE YET!" Petra and over yelled in unison.
"Uugh!" Everyone groaned.
"Just shut up!" Ivor growled.
"Why don't you shut up! If it weren't for you then Jesse would still be here!" Axel growled back.
Ivor looked at the ground sadly.
"I'm sorry." Ivor said quietly.
"It's not Ivors fault Axel!" Ellie scolded. "Don't blame him for not wanting to be tortured."
"Well...fine..." Axel mumbled angrily.
"Okay enough! We must find Jesse before it's too late!" Soren yelled.
They sled up the pace in silent agreement. They would do whatever it took to get Jesse back, anything at all.

(Authors note: Im sorry it takes so long for me to write this stuff, but I've been really tired lately. I keep falling asleep and I have school work all the time, I really appreciate Brenjagos help! I'll update my other story soon.)

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